Message from @Stan
Discord ID: 603066686932779034
I’ve spent like 300 on strippers by now
Im not trying to be a simp damn it
If you really do that
You have to kill yourself
I’m on vacation in PR right now
I’m gonna enjoy myself lol
Nice I am on vacation too
in Bulgaria
snort cocaine from a stripper asshole
I should
I’ve done Belly shots already
Ok cya boiz
rly ?
kill me :/
I want hl3 nigga
These boricua strippers cute af
If gotten like 3 lap dances
So I found this place off of soc. Seems pretty chill. Just a bullshitting discord?
We game occasionally
We first will create Portal 3 and then we can maybe release the trailer for Half Life 3 but for more information you can contact with
``` ****
we planning the murder of the president of the united states
Not before I get some lap dances lmao
I got so muchbfucking alcohol in my system
puke on a striper
Thanos lookin too thicc
```He is```
Holy shit at least it’s not just the alcohol
factual e tard
Ok I have to live so cya
I’m just waiting for my next lap dance rn