Message from @Misha
Discord ID: 493617339560886292
Kpop is degeneracy
Idk from my phone its an anime
I mean
Its not really that bad
Talking about degeneracy with that pfp
It’s like .5 steps away from vat growing people to do it
Shits an absolutely brutal and abusive industry
Its brutal
But like every industry so
I’m running out of ozen and seras pictures mang
It’s unique in that the abuse is so open
Its at least has better treatment than most western artists have
Hollywood runs off abused children but they hide it
Not all the time
Western artists are just sex appeal that can barely sing the songs they’re given by the same 2 dudes
People are dumb and don't notice the abuse
My default position is that pretty much any medium of entertainment is shit and getting more shit
Kpop is just an easy target
Like not in obsessive ways
They have great songs
Interesting genres
So ur a human bean, not an obsessive twitter doxxer
Like you never heard before
I don't use twitter
I’m not a music person in general
Neither do I
Or social media that much
This would be closest I have
Heard natural milk hotel?
And I just argue and get anime pictures
Don’t really listen to music and if I do it’s country
Oh you would like their only good album
Cuz that’s what’s nearby
Its similar to that
Indie type