Message from @Anti Corona Virus Suit Ragathor

Discord ID: 557860590866137089

2019-03-20 09:25:24 UTC  

they are just pure evil

2019-03-20 09:25:27 UTC  

non redeemable

2019-03-20 09:28:10 UTC  

(side with the kobolds)

2019-03-20 09:28:17 UTC  

(or side with both if you are chaotic)

2019-03-20 09:28:34 UTC  

(you can solve their problem and become their god)

2019-03-20 09:30:05 UTC  

So uh

2019-03-20 09:30:09 UTC  

I died in the tutorial

2019-03-20 09:30:13 UTC  

because I cast entagle

2019-03-20 09:30:26 UTC  

And uh, that was a way bigger area than expected and it got me killed with the extra mobs

2019-03-20 09:35:43 UTC  

Sounds about right

2019-03-20 09:35:46 UTC  

Welcome to Pathfinder

2019-03-20 09:35:57 UTC  

Make sure you save ur spells 2

2019-03-20 09:37:04 UTC  

Oh god

2019-03-20 09:37:17 UTC  

I uh

2019-03-20 09:37:24 UTC  

Missed every attack and died to a single bandit

2019-03-20 09:37:27 UTC  

Man I love pathfinder

2019-03-20 09:37:47 UTC  

are you playing on normal?

2019-03-20 09:37:53 UTC  

And did you stat ur character well?

2019-03-20 09:38:22 UTC  

Yeah I had a friend helping me allocate and what not

2019-03-20 09:38:46 UTC  


2019-03-20 09:38:49 UTC  

If you are newer

2019-03-20 09:38:58 UTC  

I always suggest fighter

2019-03-20 09:39:08 UTC  

It sounds boring but they can be the most fun things ever

2019-03-20 09:41:52 UTC  

Just gonna save after every fight

2019-03-20 09:43:17 UTC  

What race are you?

2019-03-20 09:43:19 UTC  

And yes

2019-03-20 09:43:23 UTC  

always do that no matter what

2019-03-20 09:44:08 UTC  


2019-03-20 09:44:14 UTC  

Because the bonuses sounded nice

2019-03-20 09:47:24 UTC  

They are

2019-03-20 09:47:31 UTC  

What bloodline?

2019-03-20 09:48:27 UTC  

Just simple for the wisdom

2019-03-20 09:48:30 UTC  

Well basic

2019-03-20 09:52:14 UTC  

Yeah, your martial is going to be really weak

2019-03-20 09:52:15 UTC  

until you get out of tutorial

2019-03-20 09:59:28 UTC  

Thats the downside with casters

2019-03-20 10:03:54 UTC  

>meet first skellingtons

2019-03-20 10:03:59 UTC  

>entire party does slashing damage

2019-03-20 10:04:00 UTC  


2019-03-20 10:04:15 UTC  

yo this game is fuckin good

2019-03-20 10:06:49 UTC  

well lads, we're fucked