Message from @Eris

Discord ID: 625192059979956235

2019-09-22 04:44:26 UTC  

eldar are cool as heck

2019-09-22 04:44:27 UTC  

They just steal the Old One's homework

2019-09-22 04:45:11 UTC  

Also Eldar are space elves

2019-09-22 04:45:20 UTC  

Which means I want them exterminated by default

2019-09-22 04:45:45 UTC  

No Elf shall escape my sight, nor my plasma bolt

2019-09-22 04:45:56 UTC  


2019-09-22 04:46:13 UTC  

I have Dark Eldar and Tau for 40k

2019-09-22 04:46:26 UTC  

Elves are smug holier-than-thou cunts who are best forgotten like the biological dead-end they are

2019-09-22 04:46:36 UTC  

Dark Eldar are fun

2019-09-22 04:46:40 UTC  

Tau have machs

2019-09-22 04:46:43 UTC  


2019-09-22 04:46:55 UTC  

i have like 2500pts of orks and 1000 pts each of chaos and 30k legion

2019-09-22 04:46:55 UTC  

who cares?

2019-09-22 04:47:10 UTC  

Tau have the best tech, which is why I like them. Don't like the communism aspect but when I get to play with the sweetest toys I make a few sacrifices

2019-09-22 04:47:27 UTC  

I really like their playstyle

2019-09-22 04:47:32 UTC  

With drones

2019-09-22 04:47:41 UTC  

Marker light x6 on something

2019-09-22 04:47:58 UTC  

Oh man marker lights are essential

2019-09-22 04:48:49 UTC  

Laugh as you crush all of their onager dune crawlers

2019-09-22 04:49:51 UTC  

>2 weirdboys with a hundred orks

2019-09-22 04:50:02 UTC  

>cast da jump twice

2019-09-22 04:50:09 UTC  

>entire army in your tau gunline turn 1

2019-09-22 04:50:13 UTC  

>600 attacks

2019-09-22 04:50:25 UTC  

I mean orks break reality just by existing, that's a little bit cheaty. Still rad though

2019-09-22 04:51:05 UTC  

And thats why I also have Deldar

2019-09-22 04:51:19 UTC  

>orks jump into battleline

2019-09-22 04:51:23 UTC  


2019-09-22 04:51:25 UTC  

>thank god some wounds finally

2019-09-22 04:51:37 UTC  

>walk away from orks

2019-09-22 04:51:39 UTC  

>walk away from orks

2019-09-22 04:51:41 UTC  

>walk away from orks

2019-09-22 04:51:43 UTC  


2019-09-22 04:52:11 UTC  

>incubus' clear all melee and kabalite warriors shit on anything left

2019-09-22 04:52:24 UTC  

I cannot wait for some new incubus molds

2019-09-22 04:52:27 UTC  

They are still finecast

2019-09-22 04:53:29 UTC  

Im building a fantasy army this year

2019-09-22 04:53:32 UTC  

Some Chaos Dwarves

2019-09-22 04:55:37 UTC  

Tfw The End Times

2019-09-22 04:55:38 UTC  

Damn how

2019-09-22 04:55:47 UTC  

I'm genuinely impressed with the bad luck

2019-09-22 04:56:07 UTC  

the store I go to when I go home still plays fantasy