Message from @frmgrl
Discord ID: 430466123381866498
Who do you think will go down first?
It really is only a matter of time...
probably facebook, then amazon, the others might get in line after that and start cooperating but who knows lol
i love rosane! lol
still 2.5 hrs of trading left! Did you get to watch the Season Premier yet?
sure did it was awsome. i usually dont like all the polical stuuf but they did it right!
Didn't they? I have now watched it more than once hahaha.
me too lol twice
I still need to catch up on the Roseanne show. My life has been crazy the last couple weeks preparing for Easter and all. This week is going to be more low key so I for sure am going to watch.
This video is almost an hour long but well worth the time.
Well I gotta go for now. I need to get out shovel snow off my sidewalk. Sucks, shouldn't have to do that in April. Be back later.
I have exempt both of my children from vaccines. My son has a genetic condition call 22q11 Deletion syndrome, so his doctor exempted him due to this, I sadly had both vaccinated as young babies, which for my son I know changed him at 18 months. He was talking before that, then after those shots regressed and made more sounds than words. I wish I knew when I had each of my children what I know now... things may have been very different.
My son was only diagnosed with this genetic condition when he was 10. He always had anomolies, including a polycystic kidney since birth, however, knowing has that helped to put some of his medical anomolies together like a puzzle.
I am nervous about getting the rest of us tested not knowing what they will do with our DNA.
So I will never know if this just happened as a fluke, or if myself or his father passed it down genetically.
Isn't it sad that I can't trust the system enough to get the answers I need for my family and my sons future family?
I'm sorry to hear that @CandleLady. Must be scary. It is sad we can't trust the system but that's what we're here change things so that our children have a better future.
You are absolutely right @frmgrl ! It is a bit scary, however, my son was blessed with some very special gifts. He is my greatest teacher so that has always given me hope for his future ❤
I am so greatful for this community. I have been silent for years and years and am so very greatful to feel like I have a voice again! Thank you all for that! ❤
For anyone listening to 24/7 I get chills everytime I hear the song Thunder now hahaha
Thank you President Donald J Trump ❤
Also... my son is who guided me to leave the "system" and make him and being a mom my priority. I wouldn't have my business without him 😃
Yeah I was listening to that song too.. It's awesome! President Trump is awesome! 👏 👏 👏
Awwwwe! You must have special son......nice.
I was just arguing with my mom about the change to our anthem. She says "times are changing so why does it matter?" I said I wonder what you WW2 Vet father would think about that? lol
I do yes thank you @frmgrl. He is also my greatest challenge lol. He is just like me and very passionate lol
I don't know why they had to go and change the was just fine the way it was.
I agree...
Makes no sense
I couldn't believe that she even said to me "what is wrong with parents?"
She doesn't care that "mother" and "father" are acceptable any longer
are not*
Wow! All this gender neutral stuff is party of the break down of the family thus the break down of wonder we have problems.
We need to get back to common sense
I really couldn't believe it lmao. No wonder I have always been the "black sheep" lol
@CandleLady you have a family here