Message from @WeeOne

Discord ID: 430753196240273409

2018-04-03 14:52:44 UTC  

Here at home

2018-04-03 14:53:24 UTC  

i just tried to send a tweet to lindsay shepard but it doesnt seem to be showing up in my timeline. what a surprise lol. does anyone know if she has a public email or something?

2018-04-03 14:54:16 UTC  

this is my twitter btw

2018-04-03 14:55:30 UTC  

Di you try messaging her on twitter? Or did you just sned her a tweet?

2018-04-03 14:55:34 UTC  


2018-04-03 14:55:51 UTC  

just sent her a tweet. doesnt look like she allows unknowns to DM her

2018-04-03 14:56:20 UTC  

I can message her....

2018-04-03 14:57:07 UTC  

haha u guys rock

2018-04-03 14:58:06 UTC  

@CandleLady that would be great! ill dm u an email adress to give her if she would like to get in touch

2018-04-03 14:58:44 UTC  

Ok 😃

2018-04-03 14:59:12 UTC  

I will let you know how it goes!

2018-04-03 14:59:51 UTC  


2018-04-03 15:01:24 UTC  

Another thing that hurt us is the minimum wage. The government keeps raising the wage causing a lot of hardship on small business. Half of restaurants in Calgary owned by individuals have had to close.....many of them that had been in business for decades.

2018-04-03 15:03:30 UTC  

yeah same here in ontario. food prices have spiked and who can afford to pay a bunch of part time employees 15/hr. my first job i got paid 6.25/hr and i was happy to get it lol. minimum wage has more than doubled in less than 20 years. its just not sustainable

2018-04-03 15:04:40 UTC  

Exactly! I say get rid of the minimum wage and let the free market work it out themselves

2018-04-03 15:04:57 UTC  
2018-04-03 15:17:12 UTC  

Good morning @TrumpSandbox 😃 Not surprised at all... was wondering when we would see an article like that.

2018-04-03 15:20:50 UTC  

Sadly they use Our money to buy info on US!

2018-04-03 15:21:22 UTC  

It just makes me sooo sick...

2018-04-03 15:39:24 UTC  

How Conservatives Used To Deal With Liberals Calling Them Racists

2018-04-03 15:47:10 UTC  

I gotta scoot for back later today.

2018-04-03 15:47:32 UTC  

a few solar cookers for preppers

2018-04-03 15:48:15 UTC  

Trudeau is Getting Desperate | Lisa Raitt Talks About Why!

2018-04-03 15:50:55 UTC  

Jordan Peterson - Justin Trudeau is a TRAITOR who CANNOT be Re-elected

2018-04-03 15:59:16 UTC  

good stuff! @TrumpSandbox

2018-04-03 17:02:42 UTC  

Trump: We Will Guard Our Border With Our Military

2018-04-03 17:43:13 UTC  

Portal of Light over Skies of Jerusalem Eve Easter

2018-04-03 17:49:28 UTC  

@WeeOne ok that is creepy.