Message from @meg

Discord ID: 551995441147805698

2019-03-04 05:11:27 UTC

2019-03-04 05:11:30 UTC

this is my favorite discord now

2019-03-04 05:11:33 UTC

I don't repeat my age to bring attention to myself to cause pedo drama

2019-03-04 05:11:35 UTC

who wants too come watch my stream bruggers

2019-03-04 05:11:40 UTC

oh im sorry

2019-03-04 05:11:48 UTC

2019-03-04 05:11:50 UTC

im dr brugger

2019-03-04 05:11:50 UTC

incredbly sorry

2019-03-04 05:11:55 UTC


2019-03-04 05:12:02 UTC

i just needed to do that for people like u

2019-03-04 05:12:05 UTC

that cant rmeember shit

2019-03-04 05:12:09 UTC

2019-03-04 05:12:14 UTC


2019-03-04 05:12:21 UTC

thats as old as 5 months

2019-03-04 05:12:23 UTC

or 4

2019-03-04 05:12:26 UTC

that has to be the weakest clapback on discord

2019-03-04 05:12:33 UTC

2019-03-04 05:12:41 UTC

yknow what manta

2019-03-04 05:12:45 UTC

2019-03-04 05:12:45 UTC

u just talk shit

2019-03-04 05:12:48 UTC

all u do is talk shit

2019-03-04 05:12:54 UTC

isn't that what you do?

2019-03-04 05:12:57 UTC

get a fucking life

2019-03-04 05:13:02 UTC

im chatting with peole

2019-03-04 05:13:06 UTC

get triggered n beg to your daddy admins to ban people

2019-03-04 05:13:07 UTC

dindu nothing wrong

2019-03-04 05:13:20 UTC

i never begged to ban anyone

2019-03-04 05:13:27 UTC

and their not my ''daddy's''

2019-03-04 05:13:36 UTC

you beg all day long when someone joins

2019-03-04 05:13:41 UTC

i mean u can but manta will take it

2019-03-04 05:13:42 UTC


2019-03-04 05:13:43 UTC

Ban them ban them

2019-03-04 05:13:48 UTC

meg takes dick for mod <:FeelsBadMan:530821115254145064>

2019-03-04 05:13:50 UTC

It's seriously sad

2019-03-04 05:13:54 UTC
2019-03-04 05:14:00 UTC

shut the fuck up?

2019-03-04 05:14:02 UTC

fite me

2019-03-04 05:14:03 UTC


2019-03-04 05:14:07 UTC


2019-03-04 05:14:16 UTC

See you're being aggro for no reason meghan

2019-03-04 05:14:18 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Ctn#4137 has been warned., no spamming in general***