Message from @Nifty

Discord ID: 672060137715925036

2020-01-29 12:42:19 UTC  

Fascism is inherently spiritual

2020-01-29 12:42:36 UTC  

>pseudo science

2020-01-29 12:42:56 UTC  

Pseudo science is atheism or any of the ideals generated by this retarded cringe age

2020-01-29 12:43:43 UTC  

Literally you couldn't even be part of the SS if you were like an atheist

2020-01-29 12:44:13 UTC  

Since you had to be knowledgeable of the existence of Waralda

2020-01-29 12:44:38 UTC  

Uhhh... no. Fascism is just is. It's up for us to follow it and strive for our own happiness and try to not fail any test.

2020-01-29 12:44:49 UTC  

>for our own happiness

2020-01-29 12:45:02 UTC  

Uhh... don't tell me that's wrong lol

2020-01-29 12:45:20 UTC  

Fascism is the worldview that makes us follow the Sanatana Dharma/cosmic order/natural order

2020-01-29 12:45:27 UTC  

It's all about survival of the fittest. Find our meaning and what defines us.

2020-01-29 12:45:32 UTC  

Its not a way to search for happiness.

2020-01-29 12:45:39 UTC  

Bruh. What's that hindu crap.

2020-01-29 12:45:55 UTC  

True, but survival of the fittest through evolutionary spiritual processes.

2020-01-29 12:45:58 UTC  

>hindu crap

2020-01-29 12:46:00 UTC  

Thats vedic

2020-01-29 12:46:10 UTC  

And Literally Himmler would slap you right now

2020-01-29 12:46:21 UTC  

ST literally didn't mention any of that.

2020-01-29 12:46:47 UTC  

Of course it doesnt mention the whole picture, it just mentions the basic understanding

2020-01-29 12:46:49 UTC  

Evolutionary spiritual processes??? Is that even truth?

2020-01-29 12:46:59 UTC  

So you can read the other books properly like Next Leap

2020-01-29 12:47:03 UTC  
2020-01-29 12:47:18 UTC  

Evolution, I know. Not spiritual. That's abstract philosophy.

2020-01-29 12:47:20 UTC  

Have you even heard any speeches of Hitler?

2020-01-29 12:47:24 UTC  

It is spiritual

2020-01-29 12:47:26 UTC  

And no

2020-01-29 12:47:32 UTC  

Define spiritual.

2020-01-29 12:47:33 UTC  

Abstract philosophy is idealistic

2020-01-29 12:47:35 UTC  

In your own words.

2020-01-29 12:47:53 UTC  

Spiritual is what is beyond the bounds of the material world, what aligns us with the creator.

2020-01-29 12:48:15 UTC  

The spirit of a folk is what aligns them with their ethnic Gods or the God they're praising.

2020-01-29 12:48:51 UTC  

Do I need to quote the Mein Kampf?

2020-01-29 12:49:30 UTC  

Uhhh... how is that true? I just have the laws of nature to follow and guide me. I have to align whenever nature throws me challenges.

2020-01-29 12:49:45 UTC  

Not with a creator

2020-01-29 12:49:48 UTC  

Sure quote me up.

2020-01-29 12:49:49 UTC  

Because aligning yourself with the laws of nature is aligning yourself with the creator.

2020-01-29 12:49:57 UTC  

Ight brb

2020-01-29 12:50:15 UTC  

Again, how is that true? Religion is basically just philosophy.

2020-01-29 12:50:24 UTC  


2020-01-29 12:50:34 UTC  

Religion is a way to learn about spirituality

2020-01-29 12:50:53 UTC  

Philosophy is the human trying to understand how the material world functions.

2020-01-29 12:52:55 UTC  

Not true. Religion is under philosophy. Prove to me spiritually is real.