Message from @UndeadJohannes
Discord ID: 673363572881096720
it is
should i worship Allah instead
or Budah
How about you worship God and not yhwh
or be an atheist
And do what Christ says in the Bible when he says, "I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE"
He isn't saying to worship some visage of himself
Atheism is for brainlets
He is saying to BE him
Jesus Christ is a template for what you need to aspire to
You tracking?
<@&671830931153223714> answer the vetting questions
Just worship Tiamat bro
Jewsus didnt even worship the guy from the Old Testament
or so he leads us to believe
ok guys
i understand
to get away from that Jew shit atleast
i will worship Gebeleizis
No bro worship Saturn trust me
Cause you get cool superpowers
Like rape
Trust me bro
id rather not give a fuck about religion
you dont have to right away
Then why did you put down orthodox
why are you without faith
did u think i had faith n that
i put it down as a basic thing
Never portray yourself as you are not