Message from @UndeadJohannes

Discord ID: 673631667440844802

2020-02-02 19:19:42 UTC  

2020-02-02 19:46:43 UTC  

2020-02-02 20:19:54 UTC  

2020-02-02 20:20:54 UTC  

@Delta Sup do the <#671832099816472640>

2020-02-02 20:43:05 UTC  

**1.** Age: 16

**2.** Sex: Male

**3. Race:** Turkmen

**4.: Religion:** Atheism

**5. Country:** Turkey

**6. Political Ideology:** National Socialism

**7. Definition of Fascism:** Fascism is a worldview based on reality. He rejects all lies, progresses in the path of natural order and cosmic truth. The nation in which it is applied is organic. In Fascism, man is never above nature.

**8. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism:**
Alt-Right: Unless there are alt-right parties and opinions, countries will collapse with migrant problems.
Donald Trump: He's a Republican president, i don't know him much because of the country I'm in.
The USA: It's a federal constitutional republic.
Capitalism: It's an exploitative economic system.
Homosexuals: It's the number one disease of the modern era.
Jews: Ethnic dogs behind a lot of big things.
White Nationalism: It's a ideology that belongs to the people who are most suitable for nationalism.

**9. Who are your heroes?**
Adolf Hitler, Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Benito Mussolini

**10. What books you've read to shape your views:**
The names of the books are in Turkish, don't be surprised:
• Adolf Hitler - Kavgam
• Mark Mazower - Hitler İmparatorluğu
• Erdinç Yücel - Propaganda
• Kutay Çelen - Rommel Çöl Tilkisi
• Kenneth Hite - Naziler ve Büyü
• Erwin Bartmann - Vatan ve Führer İçin

**11. Are you physically active:**
I'm playing handball on my school team.

**12. Have you ever had a girlfriend:**
Yes, there's been four.

**13. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not**
A year ago, I embraced National Socialism and started working by establishing a community to spread it in my country.

**14. Where you got the invite:**
I received the invitation link from the library of Agartha.

**15: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs**
I don't know about that.

2020-02-02 20:44:13 UTC  

Turk moment

2020-02-02 20:45:16 UTC  

What's the problem?

2020-02-02 20:45:35 UTC  

Nuffin really

2020-02-02 20:45:48 UTC  

Atheism is cringey tho

2020-02-02 20:46:20 UTC  

@therevived1 found a turk

2020-02-02 20:46:24 UTC  

I'm researching the Esoteric Hitlerism.

2020-02-02 20:46:59 UTC  

Are you an atheist because you lack the interest in spirituality or are you just trying to decide what to believe in @Delta ?

2020-02-02 20:47:24 UTC  

I'm trying to decide what to believe right now.

2020-02-02 20:48:24 UTC  

@Delta If you're atheist why are you researching EH

2020-02-02 20:48:31 UTC  

Do you believe in the divine/God?

2020-02-02 20:49:00 UTC  

I don't believe in God right now, at least until we find a rational explanation.

2020-02-02 20:49:58 UTC  

Take a leap of faith, the universe is too grand and too many coincidences occur for there to be no intelligence to it

2020-02-02 20:51:05 UTC  

@Tyr This guy good?

2020-02-02 20:51:06 UTC  

I want to know Esoteric Hitlerism, but there is no book on this subject in Turkey, can you send the PDF if it exists?

2020-02-02 20:51:23 UTC  

@Delta To become an "esoteric hitlerist" you must first believe in the divine

2020-02-02 20:51:44 UTC  

If you cannot comprehend the divine neither shall you comprehend the hereafter neither shall you comprehend the idea of spiritual empowerment

2020-02-02 20:51:49 UTC  

Or even spirituality in the first place

2020-02-02 20:52:41 UTC  

Okay, I want more information about this

2020-02-02 20:52:55 UTC  

@Delta go to the esotericsim category and there are many books there on esoteric hitlerism

2020-02-02 20:53:01 UTC  

in my library server

2020-02-02 20:53:05 UTC  
2020-02-02 20:53:11 UTC  

@Delta >more information
Fam it's a personal journey

2020-02-02 20:53:34 UTC  

Okay, thanks @Tyr

2020-02-02 21:09:04 UTC  

2020-02-02 21:20:01 UTC  

1. Age: 19
2. Sex: Male
3. Race: Caucasian
3.: Religion: Agnostic
4. Country: USA
5. Political Ideology: National Socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: A system in which there must be Unity above all else, and where there is a strong Hierarchy in both nature and in Government
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: Alt-Right are sometimes libertarian idiots sometimes alright but generally not extreme enough. Trump is a shill, but good for the rise of extremism. I used to feel strong patriotism but I realized that the the US needs to be torn down to be reborn into something new. Free market capitalism is Jewish, but capitalism generally isn't and there are good things about it. Homosexuals are disgusting and deserve to be sieged. White Nationalism was the bases from which all of my beliefs extended from so Its good.
8. Who are your heroes? Adolf Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Nietzsche, George Washington (I have good reasons for that), James Mason
9. What books you've read to shape your views: Mein Kampf, Siege, The Turner Diaries, The Lightning and the Sun, On the Genealogy of Morality, White Power, This Time The World
10. Are you physically active: Somewhat, whilst I have a desirable weight I only workout a couple times a week and I don't go to public gyms because im not a faggot, and I don't want to see Natives and Niggers all the time.
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: Not a serious relationship
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not: I hate Niggers and im 6' 2" thats about it
13. Where you got the invite: Europa Rising
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? Gay
Now let me in <:Swasti:672636918231597056>

2020-02-02 21:20:53 UTC  

Caucasian aint a race

2020-02-02 21:20:58 UTC  


2020-02-02 21:21:03 UTC  


2020-02-02 21:21:04 UTC  

im White

2020-02-02 21:21:06 UTC  

and proud

2020-02-02 21:26:02 UTC  

Ave was in PoG right

2020-02-02 21:28:27 UTC  


2020-02-02 22:27:10 UTC  

2020-02-02 22:28:02 UTC  

@Napoleon's Shit Kicker Sup do the <#671832099816472640>

2020-02-02 22:28:53 UTC  


2020-02-02 22:38:51 UTC  

1. 15
2. Male
3. Celtic, white
4. None
5. Natsoc, fascism
6. Truth, cosmic order, ethnic autonomy etc, etc I've done this too many times in too many server plz let me in I e-beg
7. Alt-Right - Has become a spectrum in some eyes. Trump - Kike lover, even before his presidency. USA - Land of the mixed and the kiked, an ideal location for a revolt. Capitalism - can literally suck my ass cheeks, just like the kikes are sucking us dry with this "eternal tool". Homosexuals - Filthy faggots/degenerate filth whatever you want to call it should be beaten. Jews - hate the slimy cunts. White Nationalism - I always find it cringe when people just call themselves that, but I myself am one.
8. Hitler and almost equally Mussolini. Two men fighting against time.
9. A fair few.
10. Absolutely.
11. No
12. I'm in the UK so that's fucked, I read and watch a lot, I exercise, I'm too scared to jerk off, I have hobbies and I think I'm blackpilled. ***I think.***
13. LoA
14. Depending on the normie, redpill, hanging, or beatings.