Message from @Eurydice

Discord ID: 673731965651779585

2020-02-03 03:01:18 UTC  

probably illiterate

2020-02-03 03:01:27 UTC  


2020-02-03 03:04:33 UTC  

@Eurydice i know u

2020-02-03 03:04:37 UTC  

do u know yourself tho?

2020-02-03 03:04:50 UTC  

you don't wanna mess with nifty

2020-02-03 03:04:54 UTC  

he's a modern day genius

2020-02-03 03:04:56 UTC  

like Socrates

2020-02-03 03:05:05 UTC  

sit down and answer those questions

2020-02-03 03:05:16 UTC  


2020-02-03 03:10:00 UTC  
2020-02-03 03:10:04 UTC  


2020-02-03 03:10:15 UTC  

about to get offline day 2

2020-02-03 03:10:32 UTC  

how long are we staying in vetting?

2020-02-03 03:11:00 UTC  

as long as it needs

2020-02-03 03:11:05 UTC  


2020-02-03 03:11:22 UTC  

sounds like a plan

2020-02-03 03:11:30 UTC  

gotta work tomorrow so

2020-02-03 03:29:54 UTC  
2020-02-03 03:29:58 UTC  

Ye I know most u

2020-02-03 03:30:05 UTC  

The questions are the exact same

2020-02-03 03:30:17 UTC  

As in the wotan server

2020-02-03 03:30:19 UTC  


2020-02-03 03:31:04 UTC  

1. 20s F
2. Fascism, nature, apolitical solutions to political problems
3. learning about EH a bit but im not stuck on anything
4. welsh
6. No nigga
7. Fashlash

2020-02-03 03:51:54 UTC  

2020-02-03 03:53:14 UTC  

2020-02-03 04:02:12 UTC  

1. Age: 18
2. Sex: F
3. Race: slavic/balkin/celtic
3.: Religion: orthodox (eastern)
4. Country: america
5. Political Ideology: fascist
6. Definition of Fascism: the absolute truth (nature) natural order of things
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: cringe and gay drumpf is an israel puppet
8. Who are your heroes? n/a everything would sound LARP
9. What books you've read to shape your views: squires trial, parts of mein kampf , parts of turner diaries, parts of theej (cringe)
10. Are you physically active: depends on when you ask me
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: no
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not: literally 18 F spergs at LARPs
13. Where you got the invite: my cousin
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? seriously?

2020-02-03 04:02:57 UTC  
2020-02-03 04:15:45 UTC

2020-02-03 04:15:46 UTC  


2020-02-03 04:15:52 UTC  

a man of culture

2020-02-03 04:22:01 UTC  

hmm yes

2020-02-03 04:23:52 UTC  

do i need to answer vetting again?

2020-02-03 04:26:24 UTC  

1. Age: 17
2. Female
3. Balkan/Slavic
4. America
5. National Socialism
6. The unremitting effort to find the absolute truth and to make this truth the foundation of human society
7. Alt-Right is gay and cringe, Donald trump is a whore for the Jews, USA is beyond repair, capitalism is bad, homos are degenerate, white nationalism is a good thing
8. Hitler, Rockwell, Heimbach, Tefik Mborja
9. Turner diaries, the biological worldview, mein kampf, blood Passover, 88 precepts, siege, squires trial
10. Yes
11. No
12. Traditionalist, active in servers, don’t waste my time with infighting
13. Disboard
14. Don’t waste my time with them
15. Eastern Orthodox

2020-02-03 04:28:36 UTC  

you should ping them

2020-02-03 04:29:37 UTC  


2020-02-03 04:29:40 UTC  

lets do this

2020-02-03 04:29:50 UTC  

@brehmoment Dis your girlfriend?

2020-02-03 04:30:04 UTC  


2020-02-03 04:30:07 UTC  


2020-02-03 04:30:11 UTC  


2020-02-03 04:30:13 UTC  

im not a faggot wtf