Message from @HugoJr88

Discord ID: 674051623890321419

2020-02-03 21:41:24 UTC  

1. Age:16
2. Sex:male
3. Race: berber
3.: Religion: islam
4. Country: morocco
5. Political Ideology: national socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: the way of the nature. Fascism is a way of life, it's love for your country, nation, identity and people and the readiness to do the absolute best to serve your nations interest
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: trump seems to love America. Both Capitalism and communism are made by the jews. Homos can go burn in a gas chamber. Jews are the roots of evil. White nationalism is a term created by the Jewish media to show nationalists as white supremacists.
8. Who are your heroes?Adolf and benito
9. What books you've read to shape your views: mein kampf and watched europa the last battle which was a real eye opener
10. Are you physically active: yes very
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: yes
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not. Just a teenager. Wondering the path of truth. Who always wondered how the world changed so fast.
13. Where you got the invite: disboard
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? Those are the majority. They may be retarded but it's all to blame on the jews and their brainwashing

2020-02-03 21:42:41 UTC  

>national socialist

2020-02-03 21:42:43 UTC  


2020-02-03 21:43:33 UTC  

Yeah, no.

2020-02-03 21:43:37 UTC  

2020-02-03 21:44:07 UTC  

1. Age: 18
2. Sex: male
3. Race: white
3.: Religion: catholic
4. Country: Mexico/Spain
5. Political Ideology: Synarchism/national socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: a strong state that server no other purpose than to protect its people
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: trump is a jew lover, i wish the usa was how it was back in the 20s, capitalism is for fags, fuck fags
8. Who are your heroes? My dad and Franco
9. What books you've read to shape your views:Bible Mein kampf
10. Are you physically active: yes
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: ive been with my gf for 2 years now
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not. I've lived in Mexico Spain and canada. i was born in spain. i will be going to uni in Spain soon.
13. Where you got the invite: Kolovrat sent me a link
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? they have been mislead and it is our job to show them the light

2020-02-03 21:46:13 UTC  

How white are you

2020-02-03 21:50:04 UTC  


2020-02-03 21:50:14 UTC  


2020-02-03 21:55:14 UTC  

100% spanish

2020-02-03 21:55:24 UTC  

what do you think synarchism means bro

2020-02-03 22:04:12 UTC

2020-02-03 22:14:21 UTC  

we know what synarchism is

2020-02-03 22:14:23 UTC  

we're just saying

2020-02-03 22:14:25 UTC  

you're a retard

2020-02-03 22:46:21 UTC  


2020-02-03 22:46:29 UTC  

Why lol

2020-02-04 00:21:54 UTC  

Get out Christcuck @HugoJr88

2020-02-04 00:38:42 UTC  


2020-02-04 00:40:16 UTC  

nice meme religion faggots

2020-02-04 00:40:30 UTC  

bet your ancestors would be proud

2020-02-04 00:40:33 UTC  

2020-02-04 00:42:53 UTC  

Hell yeah they are

2020-02-04 00:42:57 UTC  

Fucking retard

2020-02-04 01:47:30 UTC  

2020-02-04 04:39:52 UTC  

2020-02-04 04:40:09 UTC  

<@!673341328175661087> <#671832099816472640>

2020-02-04 04:40:37 UTC  

2020-02-04 04:52:26 UTC  

1. Age: 21
2. Sex: Male
3. Race: Celtic
3.: Religion: Neo-Pagan
4. Country: Australian
5. Political Ideology: National Socialist
6. Definition of Fascism: The embodiment of truth seeking and truth telling, collectivism of race and ideology in order to achieve the organic state. (More than compelled to understand the worldview on a deeper level)
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: Alt-right, a young movement but a promising one, too focused on destroying as opposed to building, they seem reckless. Donald Trump, traitor - pawn of the Jewish Elite. The Usa, not my country, don't give a fuck. Capitalism, An economic principle that employs debt slavery. Homosexuals, homosexuality occurs in nature and so long as the individuals that practice homosexual behaviours keep to themselves I have no issue, globohomo on the other hand is an entirely different story. Jews, again, so long as they keep to themselves I don't care, the Jewish Elite must pay for it's part in damaging the west however. White nationalism, To be proud of one's people, there is no greater love.

2020-02-04 04:53:30 UTC  

8. Who are your heroes? Adolf Hitler (Brilliant speaker and orator), Enlightened peoples, My parents, Dissenters, those willing to die for what they believe in
9. What books you've read to shape your views: Read a little bit of Mein Kampf but the one that most shaped my views was A Squires Trial
10. Are you physically active: Yes, I like to fight, swim and run
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: Yes
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not
I'm a highly spiritual yet very practical being. I can empathise with any position and use my intuition to challenge conflicting beliefs. I call myself a spiritual terrorist, in that I use peoples terror of the unknown to foster reactionary tendencies within the other. I've been a practicing diviner for 20 years, the occult is second nature to me. I'm looking to connect with like minded people and discuss the truth.
13. Where you got the invite: Disboard
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? We must all begin somewhere, however if they mean me harm I will not hesitate to attack with righteous fury

2020-02-04 04:55:13 UTC  

>I call myself a spiritual terrorist

2020-02-04 04:55:24 UTC  

>I call myself a spiritual terrorist

2020-02-04 04:55:32 UTC  

I may be spiritual, I may be a terrorist, but I'll never call myself a spiritual terrorist

2020-02-04 04:55:42 UTC  

@Maevoleth Zovix is that you?

2020-02-04 04:55:51 UTC  

@Maevoleth You tryna be edgy or are ya trying to make a point

2020-02-04 04:56:08 UTC  

I'm just answering the questions

2020-02-04 04:56:20 UTC  

@Maevoleth Why do you consider yourself a spiritual terrorist

2020-02-04 04:56:25 UTC  

Well ya know, when you answer questions, you gotta make a point too about your answers nigga

2020-02-04 04:59:08 UTC  

I call myself a spiritual terrorist because I use my knowledge of the hidden aspects of life in order to cause fear and reevaluation of ones path

2020-02-04 04:59:28 UTC  

Kek "nigga"

2020-02-04 05:00:32 UTC  

Let's put it like this - I like to blitzkrieg belief systems