Message from @doomerman987

Discord ID: 673958066646941696

2020-02-03 17:42:12 UTC  

I don’t know who Nick Fuentes is. I’ll look him up real quick

2020-02-03 17:44:26 UTC  

We have a secret encrypted chat if you would like to join

2020-02-03 17:46:00 UTC  

@doomerman987 you done with your extensive search

2020-02-03 17:46:48 UTC  

I'm kinda confused am I in or what?

2020-02-03 17:47:22 UTC  

No, you need to answer the questions

2020-02-03 17:53:15 UTC  

I looked him up. He isn’t going to get any fans with his opinions of immigration but I think it makes sense. Obviously the more cultures we throw into America’s mixing pot the less and less American culture we have. I think immigration is obviously a good way to devalue the American culture into this faceless playground that anyone can come and fuck around in. I’ve always thought we need more nationalism and that’s basically impossible at this point when anyone who stands behind American culture is made out to be an inbred redneck from Texas lol

2020-02-03 17:54:46 UTC  

American culture itself is so dirty now it’s hard to recognize

2020-02-03 17:55:01 UTC  

So what made you become a fascist?

2020-02-03 17:58:14 UTC  

this mf writing a novel

2020-02-03 17:59:24 UTC  

I think I’ve always been a fascist before I got into studying terminologies and politics. My basic word view is that natural law rules, all cultures and religions exist inside of the human mind. The strong win and the weak lose and we have to stick with our own kind simply because that’s the way it is in nature. There’s an endless amount of reasons we have the instinct to stick with our own kind. I think a new world order is our only hope at this point in the face of nuclear war fare and disease and climate change among so many other threats

2020-02-03 17:59:26 UTC  


2020-02-03 18:00:06 UTC  

I’ve always thought this way before I had any idea what fascism was.

2020-02-03 18:01:27 UTC  

I believe we have to stop focusing on philosophy and take action as a species. This is probably not gonna happen in today’s world though the way democracy has fucked us.

2020-02-03 18:02:29 UTC  

Speaking of taking action, what do you think the best way to achieve fascism is?

2020-02-03 18:04:42 UTC  

Well obviously if Hitler had won maybe we wouldn’t be on our way to Armageddon lol but unless a new world order takes over by force we are surely going to die as a whole. It’s too late in our time line to debate, we need military action.

2020-02-03 18:04:59 UTC  

And what sort of military action do you propose?

2020-02-03 18:06:15 UTC  

I think making a new world order and eliminating anyone and everything that stops it is the way. Complete totalitarianism and elimination of the parasites in humanity, individual social and structural.

2020-02-03 18:06:45 UTC  

But we don’t have Hitler anymore so

2020-02-03 18:07:51 UTC  

> But we don’t have Hitler anymore so
someone hasn't read thier Serrano

2020-02-03 18:10:22 UTC  

I will thanks. Never heard of him before.

2020-02-03 18:28:44 UTC  

That’s some outlandish stuff lol it sounds like David Wilcock

2020-02-03 18:28:48 UTC  

@doomerman987 You're a bit wignat but we'll make it work

2020-02-03 18:28:55 UTC  

go to <#671953948818669568> and read Squire's Trial

2020-02-03 18:29:05 UTC  

Ok I will

2020-02-03 18:50:25 UTC  

Oh shit a fed

2020-02-03 18:51:47 UTC  

A reminder that everything here is satire or not related to any real life actions we are a book discussion server

2020-02-03 18:57:46 UTC  

2020-02-03 19:05:12 UTC  

1. 17
2. Male
3. Caucasoid
3.: pagan
4. Hungary
5. NS
6. Universal Trutj
7. Alt-Right; fagots
Donald Trump; jew-sucker
The USA; Death To America
Capitalism; gay
Homosexuals; gay
Jews; fagots
White Nationalism: make a bit sense
8. Hitler, Szálasi Ferenc
9. What books you've read to shape your views:
Some Zeiger, Siegeculture and Slavros writes, a realybit Evola, Codreanu, Miguel Serano, S.Devi, Goebels, Riis Knudsel - NS Bioligical., A Squers Trian, Imperium, Mein Kampf, The Protocols, some hollohoax book, books about mithology, hungarian books what you may don't know about
10. Are you physically active: yes, i run three times a week
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: no
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not; i don't shitpost too much, rather i try to cultivate myself
13. Where you got the invite: from Tyr's server
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? Gayfagots

2020-02-03 19:08:26 UTC  

da troof @stein

2020-02-03 20:00:04 UTC  

da trutj

2020-02-03 20:08:45 UTC  

2020-02-03 20:32:36 UTC  

2020-02-03 21:01:37 UTC  

This kid talks a lot

2020-02-03 21:33:05 UTC  

2020-02-03 21:41:24 UTC  

1. Age:16
2. Sex:male
3. Race: berber
3.: Religion: islam
4. Country: morocco
5. Political Ideology: national socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: the way of the nature. Fascism is a way of life, it's love for your country, nation, identity and people and the readiness to do the absolute best to serve your nations interest
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: trump seems to love America. Both Capitalism and communism are made by the jews. Homos can go burn in a gas chamber. Jews are the roots of evil. White nationalism is a term created by the Jewish media to show nationalists as white supremacists.
8. Who are your heroes?Adolf and benito
9. What books you've read to shape your views: mein kampf and watched europa the last battle which was a real eye opener
10. Are you physically active: yes very
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: yes
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not. Just a teenager. Wondering the path of truth. Who always wondered how the world changed so fast.
13. Where you got the invite: disboard
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? Those are the majority. They may be retarded but it's all to blame on the jews and their brainwashing

2020-02-03 21:42:41 UTC  

>national socialist

2020-02-03 21:42:43 UTC  


2020-02-03 21:43:33 UTC  

Yeah, no.

2020-02-03 21:43:37 UTC  

2020-02-03 21:44:07 UTC  

1. Age: 18
2. Sex: male
3. Race: white
3.: Religion: catholic
4. Country: Mexico/Spain
5. Political Ideology: Synarchism/national socialism
6. Definition of Fascism: a strong state that server no other purpose than to protect its people
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Homosexuals, Jews, White Nationalism: trump is a jew lover, i wish the usa was how it was back in the 20s, capitalism is for fags, fuck fags
8. Who are your heroes? My dad and Franco
9. What books you've read to shape your views:Bible Mein kampf
10. Are you physically active: yes
11. Have you ever had a girlfriend: ive been with my gf for 2 years now
12. Give a brief bio of yourself, nothing self-incriminating, don't try to show off, and keep it short. We want to know if you're a sperg or not. I've lived in Mexico Spain and canada. i was born in spain. i will be going to uni in Spain soon.
13. Where you got the invite: Kolovrat sent me a link
14: What do you think of normies/lemmings/NPCs? they have been mislead and it is our job to show them the light

2020-02-03 21:46:13 UTC  

How white are you