Message from @doomerman987

Discord ID: 674625343772164105

2020-02-05 03:41:37 UTC  

Also slightly horny

2020-02-05 03:41:43 UTC  

That's unrelated to your though

2020-02-05 03:51:38 UTC  

4.pagan and esoteric hitlerist
6.national socialist
7.fascism is the primal state of man and applying biology to a political system
8.trump a kike shill, the us can burn, capitalism allows the jews to destroy any state it breeds corruption, jews are our eternal enemy the anti race the wander the great destroyer,
9. My heros are many fascists and great Europeans ie mussolini himmler franco rockwell charles XII ect.
10.i run 2 miles a day but I could be more active
11.i have but I havent had as many as I'd like
13.i was invited by gustav

2020-02-05 05:21:56 UTC  

@UndeadJohannes actualy, i don't like ONA stuffs much

2020-02-05 05:22:09 UTC  

@Bozgor Then why did you say you liked hebdomadry

2020-02-05 05:25:47 UTC  

I didn't clearly remember what it is

2020-02-05 06:12:40 UTC  

2020-02-05 06:14:36 UTC  

@Legiter Sup weirdo

2020-02-05 06:14:42 UTC  

Answer the <#671832099816472640>

2020-02-05 06:15:07 UTC  

2020-02-05 06:25:36 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:16:02 UTC  

Yeah but you can’t really advertise nationalism to the general public as racial. If you want to have any sort of organization you have to consider the fact that America as a nation is way too integrated. We can’t help that so a message of patriotism generally relates with people more than one of nationalism. People don’t understand nationalism and they’re quick to label anyone who used the title a crazed racist lunatic. We have to care about the Left’s attack on America if you ask me otherwise we will have a socialist, censorship based state with no 2nd amendment lol. I don’t know about you but I love my country and my people and I hate to see the Left destroy them, even if America itself has become Integrated. The only way we can combat integration is from within our own culture, and we have to do so by working with people to increase patriotism and nationalism throughout the country. Too many radical leftists have devalued the American Flag, which is our countries greatest symbol of freedom and power as a nation. It disgusts me to see liberals do this and I think if anyone wants to spread awareness of their actions or do anything about it, then you have to consider the modern integrated societies proclivities towards ideas like nationalism, which has been demonized by the left. People still understand patriotism, and people still love America and our flag and our great nation’s history. It would be pointless to try and put forward nationalism without including patriotism, if nothing else as a common idea everyone can relate to in America.

2020-02-05 14:17:37 UTC  

I fully support nationalism and segregation, and integration disgusts me but it’s an old fact of life in America. Anyone who wants to make change in America needs to accept that and work around general taboos put forth by the Left like opposition to nationalism because it’s “racist” which is stupid. The Left is America’s greatest enemy and I think every American should fight back against this cancer in our society.

2020-02-05 14:18:01 UTC  

They’ve created a social disease of nihilistic Marxism and it’s ravaging the minds of our youth.

2020-02-05 14:27:05 UTC  

"yeah but you can't adversite nationalism to the general public as racial"

2020-02-05 14:27:32 UTC  

How many times you dumb niggas will understand that movementarianism doesnt work anymore

2020-02-05 14:37:49 UTC  

Yes it does lol that’s stupid. People still rally together under what they believe in. American Belief itself, American patriotism in its classic sense, is intentionally under attack from the left and their foreign interests who want to weaken and divide the American populace. If you’re an American and you won’t fight for your country, or at least argue for its well being, you’re an idle spectator who is letting the Left destroy our great country. You should take pride in your nation and your flag, and you should seek to strengthen it. This very idle passivity is what allows the Left to walk all over the people and our love of America. They have trampled the American dream and made it shameful to be a patriot, or to be a real nationalist. Being passive and saying “oh that’s bullshit they’re just a bunch of assholes. Don’t even argue with them” that’s the attitude that’s ruining America. We have to fight the Left, in every way possible. This lack of solid resistance is what allows them to take over the minds of our youth in colleges and high schools.

2020-02-05 14:39:13 UTC  

We have to teach our children to love America, not to ignore its degradation. The American family has to strengthen its values, even though the left has crippled the American family, causing endless dissension in the home and a lack of genuine patriotism. Or nationalism. Generally people respond to patriotism though lol.

2020-02-05 14:39:54 UTC  

Anyone who won’t stand up for America is a weak willed failure. A victim of the Marxist war on American nationalism.

2020-02-05 14:40:02 UTC  

fuck America, shitty freemason founded hellhole

2020-02-05 14:40:15 UTC  

Fuck you too you traitor. Go to Venezuela

2020-02-05 14:40:24 UTC  

Or Germany. Get out of here if you don’t like it.

2020-02-05 14:40:35 UTC  

go to israel

2020-02-05 14:40:39 UTC  

Fucking worthless American. Where is your pride?

2020-02-05 14:40:39 UTC  

same country

2020-02-05 14:40:42 UTC  

I hate Israel

2020-02-05 14:40:54 UTC  

America is the attack dog of Israel

2020-02-05 14:40:57 UTC  

pride for America despite it being an unnatural creation and the belly of the beast system

2020-02-05 14:41:16 UTC  

America as we know it must be destroyed, burn the Constitution

2020-02-05 14:41:23 UTC  

pride for a piece of paper? lines on a map? LOOPL

2020-02-05 14:41:32 UTC  

burn the flag

2020-02-05 14:41:34 UTC  

Fuck you political radicals. How are you going to do anything meaningful in the real world unless you have a country to stand on

2020-02-05 14:41:38 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:41:44 UTC  

hehe you are political radicals

2020-02-05 14:41:48 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:42:02 UTC  

the future belongs to those with the will to seize it

2020-02-05 14:42:04 UTC  

yeah I'll stand on America alright

2020-02-05 14:42:04 UTC  

Lol you try and act above politics but you’re just a Marxist. A thrown off Marxist.

2020-02-05 14:42:07 UTC  

I agree

2020-02-05 14:42:07 UTC  

stand on its ashes

2020-02-05 14:42:26 UTC  

It belongs to those who siege it. But you won’t. Because you’re one man who doesn’t stand behind his country