Message from @Nifty

Discord ID: 674625945172312064

2020-02-05 14:40:54 UTC  

America is the attack dog of Israel

2020-02-05 14:40:57 UTC  

pride for America despite it being an unnatural creation and the belly of the beast system

2020-02-05 14:41:16 UTC  

America as we know it must be destroyed, burn the Constitution

2020-02-05 14:41:23 UTC  

pride for a piece of paper? lines on a map? LOOPL

2020-02-05 14:41:32 UTC  

burn the flag

2020-02-05 14:41:34 UTC  

Fuck you political radicals. How are you going to do anything meaningful in the real world unless you have a country to stand on

2020-02-05 14:41:38 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:41:44 UTC  

hehe you are political radicals

2020-02-05 14:41:48 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:42:02 UTC  

the future belongs to those with the will to seize it

2020-02-05 14:42:04 UTC  

yeah I'll stand on America alright

2020-02-05 14:42:04 UTC  

Lol you try and act above politics but you’re just a Marxist. A thrown off Marxist.

2020-02-05 14:42:07 UTC  

I agree

2020-02-05 14:42:07 UTC  

stand on its ashes

2020-02-05 14:42:26 UTC  

It belongs to those who siege it. But you won’t. Because you’re one man who doesn’t stand behind his country

2020-02-05 14:42:26 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:42:30 UTC  

only flag I salute has a swastika on it

2020-02-05 14:42:31 UTC  

A useless parasite.

2020-02-05 14:42:32 UTC

2020-02-05 14:42:36 UTC  

this isn’t my country retard

2020-02-05 14:42:39 UTC  

There you go, this nigga explains it well

2020-02-05 14:42:40 UTC  

it’s the jews county

2020-02-05 14:42:43 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:42:45 UTC  

@doomerman987 read nigga read

2020-02-05 14:42:59 UTC  

why should I care about an old, dead system?

2020-02-05 14:42:59 UTC  

Founding Fathers were a bunch of Freemason fags

2020-02-05 14:43:02 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:43:14 UTC  

take your patriotic tin man bullshjt somewhere else

2020-02-05 14:43:19 UTC  

You are all a bunch of idiots. You have no opinion of your own. Lol America is the reason you can do all this shit. And POWER TO THE MASONS they made America

2020-02-05 14:43:24 UTC  

Why should we change the rules that guides us towards the obedience of natural order, to appease the weak?

2020-02-05 14:43:30 UTC  

Fuck you nihilistic idiots. You won’t do anything real.

2020-02-05 14:43:31 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:43:35 UTC  

I don’t say keep the rules

2020-02-05 14:43:35 UTC  


2020-02-05 14:43:36 UTC  

lmao you fucking clown

2020-02-05 14:43:37 UTC  

I say keep the flag

2020-02-05 14:43:43 UTC  

You useless dreamers

2020-02-05 14:43:43 UTC  

What Flag?

2020-02-05 14:43:50 UTC  

the fag flag

2020-02-05 14:44:00 UTC  

A bunch of impractical dreamers. You idiots won’t do a damn thing wit your life

2020-02-05 14:44:02 UTC  

Fuck you cucks