Message from @Son of Rome

Discord ID: 683859343510339635

2020-03-02 02:06:15 UTC  

Dude's a joke

2020-03-02 02:07:04 UTC  

unemployment is the lowest its been for anyone in a while

2020-03-02 02:07:09 UTC  

You mean Trump? Isn't he enjoying rather high support among latino and black folks compared to earlier prognosis by dems?

2020-03-02 02:07:15 UTC  

you just odnt like him mentioning minorities

2020-03-02 02:07:32 UTC  

reminder that if he spoke like you would like him to hed never have won anything

2020-03-02 02:07:47 UTC  

and that in a democratic institution it behoves one to not alienate their potential voters

2020-03-02 02:08:50 UTC  

Voted for him in 2016, not happy at all with what I've seen. But will vote for him again cause he's better than Jewburg

2020-03-02 02:08:55 UTC  

Yes, it seems that all legal americans, including blacks, latinos, what have you got better headstart and job situation than before his work. Complain about Trump if you have a valid reason to but jobs is pretty much one of the few things even dems get butthurt about admitting he did pretty well there.

2020-03-02 02:09:11 UTC  

People are working, awesome

2020-03-02 02:11:08 UTC  

Any medfags here

2020-03-02 02:11:09 UTC  

It still costs 6k to give birth to a child, people go bankrupt for treating cancer, homelessness is rampant, the US is responsible for a massive portion of student debt, our military/civil infrastructure is crumbling, men and women are being sent to die to defend oil fields/strips of sand for Israel and the corporate elite and the white race is dying

2020-03-02 02:11:24 UTC  

But people are working, so iz okay 😎

2020-03-02 02:11:38 UTC  

My foreskin is quite loose and painful

2020-03-02 02:11:41 UTC  

You can use your job to distract you from the fact that we wont be a superpower by 2050

2020-03-02 02:12:01 UTC  

deployments in tge middle east are low homelessness is down

2020-03-02 02:12:12 UTC  

most of your complaints are that we arent a socialist nation lol

2020-03-02 02:12:16 UTC  

Yes, thing sstill happen. But they're improving. ar more than most people expected they would or could. If you assume there's just some magical president that will simply make you an utopia without some things being shit, no one will hit the mark.

2020-03-02 02:12:22 UTC  

Fascism could save the US

2020-03-02 02:12:32 UTC  

Homelessness is most definitely not down

2020-03-02 02:12:34 UTC  

Alls i'm sayin

2020-03-02 02:12:52 UTC  

@NotDarkMagician It is if you listen to dumpf's words like hes gawd

2020-03-02 02:13:04 UTC  

Judge by what the man did with what he had, not by what you'd like to have. Since we all would like things to be even better, but the guy achieving even this much when everyone was moaning about downfall of US is pretty solid

2020-03-02 02:13:05 UTC  

Trust him dude, why would he lie. So close to election time....

2020-03-02 02:13:34 UTC  

La just announced they're going to spend a billion dollars because they have the bubonic plague and typhus

2020-03-02 02:13:41 UTC  

@A.Fulcrum Right, we're still in a downward spiral. He's just foregoing it. <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-03-02 02:13:44 UTC  

if he was lying the media wouldve called him out on it lol

2020-03-02 02:13:46 UTC  

Instead of 2030, it's 2050

2020-03-02 02:13:47 UTC  


2020-03-02 02:13:52 UTC  


2020-03-02 02:14:18 UTC  

That's still quite a lot better than having it in 2020 and that given what some of his presidency competitors seemed to lead to.

2020-03-02 02:15:12 UTC  

@Son of Rome no I haven't sorry

2020-03-02 02:15:13 UTC  

or having i in 2020 because someone thought that making the government pay for student debt and healthcare would actually work lul

2020-03-02 02:15:36 UTC  

I do think something should be done about student debt

2020-03-02 02:16:06 UTC  

Just tell the loan companies they're out of luck and to stop being so Jewish

2020-03-02 02:16:21 UTC  

I'd start with encouraging people to get vocational training. You really don't need to indebt yourself for an expensive tuition to get a decent work.

2020-03-02 02:16:53 UTC  

its quite simple

2020-03-02 02:16:59 UTC  

you dont HAVE to go to colledge

2020-03-02 02:17:04 UTC  

get a trade

2020-03-02 02:17:10 UTC  

Exactly my point.

2020-03-02 02:17:40 UTC  

people get themselves in debt its their own damn fault

2020-03-02 02:17:48 UTC  

live with it