Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 677450491957084181

2020-02-13 01:38:48 UTC  

Wake up when the deaths are greater than the Spanish flu

2020-02-13 01:38:55 UTC  

i think Corona's kill count just jumped by 200

2020-02-13 01:38:59 UTC  


2020-02-13 01:39:09 UTC  

Still a nothing burger

2020-02-13 07:35:50 UTC  

Daily reminder that the Liberal Party, Australia's so called 'Conservative' party has been responsible for:

-the abolition of the White Australia Policy and the opening of the floodgates to endless third world migration, resulting in Australia going from 99% to 75% White in only around 40 years.
-the opening up of Australia's economy to neoliberal capitalism that lead to globalization, consumerism and other cultural degeneracy.
-normalization of Same Sex marriage and LGBT ideology in general
-legalization of progressive abortion policy, in New South Wales in particular, that has and will result in tens of thousands of perfectly healthy babies being aborted
-an immigration policy that has allowed 1.2 Million Chinese people to migrate to Australia in only about 30 years, which has resulted in China having huge cultural leverage over Australia.
-not to mention that under the Liberal party the Chinese have bought up extremely important strategic assets, like the Port of Darwin for example, all while the Liberals sit back and accept donations from Chinese billionaires.

2020-02-13 09:35:46 UTC  

@Ethreen42 Why do you think you in Australia are so much special?

2020-02-13 09:36:25 UTC  

Just look at what these same policy have done to us in the Eastern Europe over the last 30 or so years and you would see you are just the next case on the template.

2020-02-13 09:37:14 UTC  

Australia, East Europe, Russia, South-East Asia, even China and India-those policies bring up ruins EVERYF*CKINGWHERE THEY GO!

2020-02-13 09:37:58 UTC  

Problem is you people don't like to READ and think you are the first to invent the wheel.

2020-02-13 09:38:53 UTC  

Neolibs bring chaos ruined economies and degeneracy everywhere they go and you are just nothing but another blob on the map.

2020-02-13 09:38:55 UTC  

didn't say this was a uniquely Australian problem but ok

2020-02-13 09:39:58 UTC  

My country had absolutely the same "advisers" as yours on economic and cultural policy and we had it the rough way last 30 years, so I know exactly what you mean.

2020-02-13 09:41:03 UTC  

We should know the root of the evil isn't our own governments but that tiny click of "woke capitalists" that are trying to blur all the countries into a single giant blob of dictatorship powers.

2020-02-13 09:42:00 UTC  

If we expose the root of the problem we would know where to strike and when the public becomes aware of who is the hand behind the curtain we would have won the day!

2020-02-13 09:42:56 UTC  

Problem is we should regain sovereignty by not letting anyone else fall behind.

2020-02-13 09:43:36 UTC  

Sovereignty in Australia must mean sovereignty in the UK, USA, EU, Russia and everywhere else, too.

2020-02-13 09:44:08 UTC  

Just digging up into your local mess without realizing you are nothing but a bick in the wall for them won't save you.

2020-02-13 09:44:35 UTC  

You won't have Australia back until the rest of the world rots in slavery and vice versa.

2020-02-13 09:45:07 UTC  

They are treating us as cattle, as expendable canon fodder and are grouping us all into one.

2020-02-13 09:46:23 UTC  

If we start dividing and trying to escape one by one-each country for itself we would just grow weak and divided and they would be easy to heard us back together like a flock of sheep.

2020-02-13 09:47:00 UTC  

All they would need to do is just release their well-groomed dogs of war to scare us back into submission.

2020-02-13 09:47:40 UTC  

But if we STAND TOGETHER and oppose their dogs and dictatorship knowing full well we are not alone we stand a chance.

2020-02-13 09:48:50 UTC  

That's to say about you and everyone else-don't think you can just regain sovereignty in your own country and then just let everybody else rot into submission. That's not working any more, not in the Global world we are living in.

2020-02-13 09:49:58 UTC  

We must find ways to work together while keeping our identities and sovereignty to bring them down or we will perish in our own delusions.

2020-02-13 09:58:28 UTC  

Well said.
Good luck getting big-brained sargonites to care about preserving ethnic homogeneity and rallying around racial identity in order to protect it

2020-02-13 09:58:43 UTC  

You see, they are above all that tribalistic nonsense

2020-02-13 10:04:06 UTC  

Well, I want them to care by not caring about it.

2020-02-13 10:04:15 UTC  

I think that is the only way it can work.

2020-02-13 10:05:07 UTC  

You know Sun Tzu?

2020-02-13 10:05:08 UTC  

How does that work

2020-02-13 10:05:12 UTC  


2020-02-13 10:05:56 UTC  

Well, make your enemy think you are thinking the INVERSE of what you are thinking and act as thou you are thinking it.

2020-02-13 10:06:47 UTC  

Like for example, if you want to hold a fortification make him think you are going to abandon it so he would send lightly armored and few tropps to it, so you would defeat them.

2020-02-13 10:07:51 UTC  

In Sargon's case make him think that in order for Globalization to prevail they need to reinforce the national and racial identities of people so by doing it they could rule us easier.

2020-02-13 10:08:11 UTC  

It doesn't need to make sense-just be believable enough for the people you are targeting.

2020-02-13 10:08:54 UTC  

So if Sargon wants to fight Globalization he must weaken his own positions and argument and eradicate his cause.

2020-02-13 10:09:44 UTC  

If he doesn't want to fight it but join it, than his must strengthen his arguments in favour of national and whatever further identity it enforces.

2020-02-13 10:10:15 UTC  

Sargon is a civic nationalist already

2020-02-13 10:10:27 UTC  

He doesn't care about race

2020-02-13 10:10:30 UTC  

I know that bullsh*tting people like that isn't easy but that's where the real strategists shine out from the rest of the garbage.