Message from @breadmoth

Discord ID: 678653752600952862

2020-02-15 10:28:47 UTC I know this is weeb gay shit but anime trump is fucking great

2020-02-15 14:10:21 UTC  

Weebs aren't gay.

2020-02-15 14:10:27 UTC  

In anime we trust!

2020-02-15 14:10:35 UTC  


2020-02-15 18:08:23 UTC  

fucking yes

2020-02-15 18:08:45 UTC  

thank the lord and all his wisdom this is Brilliant news

2020-02-15 18:09:41 UTC  

china has just single handily given us Ammunition against them

2020-02-15 18:10:08 UTC  

this couldn't be any better then if it was handed to us on a sliver plate

2020-02-15 18:30:31 UTC  

As much as I'd like to believe it, they don't have an immediate smoking gun evidence on hand. This is all circumstantial =/

2020-02-16 15:20:51 UTC  

HA i was right

2020-02-16 15:20:56 UTC  

i fucking knew it

2020-02-16 16:14:47 UTC  


2020-02-16 16:15:02 UTC  

If it's an engineered bioweapon, then we're seriously fucked

2020-02-16 16:15:35 UTC  

Can't wait for the massive swades of deaths all over the globe just because Hu and Wu couldn't wear sufficient protection while handling bats

2020-02-16 16:19:03 UTC  

maybe, I'd like some more conformation before going full retard

still no evidence <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-16 16:21:32 UTC  

meh, more like with great charges, comes great responsiblites (aka burden of proof)

2020-02-16 16:27:50 UTC  

still I wouldn't be surprised, commies fuck things up all the time, there was an anthrax release from a soviet lab back in the day when they realized they had forgotten to install the filter for the air duct for the lab they were working with the stuff in. the vent of course went directly outside.

2020-02-16 18:40:49 UTC  

Yea.. gonna need more evidence, tho the sad part is no one would be surprised if it's true. Tells you the state of expectations we have of the commies. The follow up Q is, even if it was the responsibility of the CCP, what then? Wtf is the world gonna do? Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

2020-02-16 21:10:36 UTC  

Course. The UN is defunct.

2020-02-17 01:33:31 UTC  

The virgin "i'm gonna wait for more evidence" vs the chad alarmist

2020-02-17 05:58:00 UTC  

What if they deliberately designed a contagious flu that is just the flu to distract from Hong Kong

2020-02-17 11:13:19 UTC  

Yet another verbal gargoyle by Black Pidgin Speaks.

2020-02-17 11:14:03 UTC  

Really, the fact that this guy knows Japan and Canada doesn't make him an expert on EVERYTHING!

2020-02-17 11:15:07 UTC  

Yeah, he is an expat and he knows 2, not one culture but yet his sense o the world, and especially of history and politics is so limited that .... man, I swear he only spews bullsh*ts half the time!

2020-02-17 11:15:51 UTC  

Like for example that Japan don't have the *same* problems with SJWs as the West does and there fore it's only the Western problem there.

2020-02-17 11:16:02 UTC  


2020-02-17 11:21:16 UTC  

The UN has been trying to push Japan to recognize its war crimes, "liberaze" its markets so they get even poorer that they already are, import "rapefugees" from "Syria" and ban anime for like 20 years now but the Japanese government was always saying NO.

2020-02-17 11:21:57 UTC  

That's the reason there are no cultural Marxists now in Japan and why Asia, for the time being, is a safe heaven for angry foreigners like him.

2020-02-17 11:30:11 UTC  

But don't think that would be like it for long if the UN manages to step it on with the West and get through America's electoral system.

2020-02-17 11:31:16 UTC  

The moment the west is gone and done for they will come for states like Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong IN FORCE in a way they have never seen through their history and then, there would be no one left to stand for them.

2020-02-17 11:32:09 UTC  

And what the Globalists can achieve by guilt shaming and persuasion, they will achieve through strength and terror.

2020-02-17 11:34:14 UTC  

If PBS thinks there is something the West need to learn from the east, it's to STAND ITS GROUND and not give in to the bullshit of spoiled crybabies, not some greater revelation about foreign and domestic society. Just find out who are the men behind the certain and what they are trying to do to you and you will learn everything you need to know to save your civlization!

2020-02-17 11:36:05 UTC  

And finally what's happening to the West right now isn't some unique civilizational opaque feature of the West right now which they outdid because of different socio-economic features but just the TESTING GROUND for what that cruel and merciless elite is trying to push on **EVERYONE** in the future!

2020-02-17 11:36:27 UTC  

It may originate in the West, but believe me, it's SPREADING!

2020-02-17 11:36:37 UTC  

It's spreading as we speak.