Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 679775324082274390

2020-02-19 16:37:22 UTC  

@TheCaledonian They are barely native tbh

2020-02-19 16:37:29 UTC  

Just mutts.

2020-02-19 16:38:20 UTC  

Even worse

2020-02-19 18:23:35 UTC  
2020-02-19 18:30:14 UTC  
2020-02-19 18:30:54 UTC  
2020-02-19 19:05:25 UTC  

what the hell there's news in canada not about syrup?!

2020-02-19 19:08:17 UTC  

in case you didn't read that properly, those articles are discussing two different derailments last night

2020-02-19 19:08:29 UTC  

or early this morning

2020-02-19 19:09:51 UTC  

Two? I was skeptical of eco terrorism but now this just can't only be a coincidence.

2020-02-19 19:42:11 UTC  

wait are they protesting a pipeline by derailing trains?

2020-02-19 19:42:23 UTC  

by sabotaging rail lines

2020-02-19 19:42:30 UTC  

the train itself was not specifically targeted

2020-02-19 19:42:38 UTC  

it jsut happen to be the first oen to go over the sabotaged line

2020-02-19 19:42:40 UTC  


2020-02-19 19:43:05 UTC  

please note that we're not 100% sure that the protesters caused the derailments so far, its highly possible, but unconfirmed as of now

2020-02-19 19:43:25 UTC  

there are two websites that specifically step by step how to thermite

2020-02-19 19:43:51 UTC  

andother methoids of destruction and sabotage of railwayus railcars, piopelines, bridges, roads ectera ectetera ecetera

2020-02-19 19:44:18 UTC  

this website is ran by the protestors

2020-02-19 19:44:26 UTC  

so, there is enogh info to assume they DID do it.

2020-02-19 19:44:46 UTC  

also, interesting thing, thermite is how they weld track as well, though with special molds and such.

2020-02-19 19:44:54 UTC  


2020-02-19 19:45:03 UTC  

thermite melt the steel and grind off the flash

2020-02-19 19:45:09 UTC  

just for fun info :)

2020-02-19 19:48:50 UTC  

wow, i'm watching this thing and the tracks make a really strange noise.

2020-02-19 19:50:54 UTC  

ice make a similar noise if you thrtow ice chuinks onto a frozen lake

2020-02-19 19:52:56 UTC  

so anyway these people are less "anti pipeline" and more "anti people"?

2020-02-19 19:53:28 UTC  

i'm guessing the "humanity is a cancer on the earth!" sort of people?

2020-02-19 20:15:44 UTC  

what's funny about this is they could just run a train through that and it wouldn't even hurt the train.

2020-02-19 20:16:37 UTC  

whats the absolute slowest speed one of these trains can move? no amount of protesters will stop it, just roll suuuuper slowly through the blockade *note:* that's probably illegal so don't do it

2020-02-19 20:16:57 UTC  

slowest? any speed you want.

2020-02-19 20:17:36 UTC  

well you don't want to hurt anyone

2020-02-19 20:17:59 UTC  

I would just stick a snow plough on to the train to keep the protesters away form the engine and some armed guards on the enignes catwalks to keep them form trying to climb on the train.

2020-02-19 20:18:16 UTC  

but after that, if someone gets hurt it's their own fault, shouldn't be messing with trains.

2020-02-19 20:19:01 UTC  

I never understood how people were able to blockade highways, like dude you are in a car, just drive into them they will move, and once they start to attack you it's fair game to floor it.

2020-02-19 20:19:42 UTC  

courts wont agree with you

2020-02-19 20:20:11 UTC  

in the US they not only did but they made law saying that the driver is not at fault if the protesters run infront of your car.

2020-02-19 20:20:28 UTC  

thats probably at state level, and not federal, it does make sense though