Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl

Discord ID: 653993557870247966

2019-12-10 16:11:41 UTC  

Except that it does.

2019-12-10 16:11:56 UTC  

Evolution is the scientific consensus.

2019-12-10 16:12:04 UTC  

Gravity is the scientific consensus.

2019-12-10 16:12:11 UTC  

The big bang is the scientific consensus.

2019-12-10 16:13:14 UTC  

evolution is a theory
gravity is something that is very much testable but if i came up with better math to define it I would be right and the old system would be wrong or less accurate at the very least.
And the Big Bang is also a theory.

2019-12-10 16:13:34 UTC  

I don't think you know what Theory means in the context of evolution.

2019-12-10 16:13:34 UTC  

Consensus is irrelevant.
Testable systems is what science is.

2019-12-10 16:13:43 UTC  

and i don't think it matters.

2019-12-10 16:13:47 UTC  

i think the main problem would be creating all new housing for the 600 million people who live close enough to be effected by the rising water levels

2019-12-10 16:14:20 UTC  

@ARockRaider you're a creationist too right? evolution doesnt exist?

2019-12-10 16:14:33 UTC  

Yes, and climate change has been tested and the ultimate majority of related experts agree that man-made climate change is a scientifically proven occurance.

2019-12-10 16:15:20 UTC  

I am bolth, I believe in a creator, I also believe that evolution is a thing. (though possibly not quite on the scale you are thinking of)
They both can be true simultaneously.

2019-12-10 16:15:39 UTC  


2019-12-10 16:16:12 UTC  

you don't think that something powerfull enough to create everything could also create a system that leads to us evolving as we have?

2019-12-10 16:16:24 UTC  

but that is also irrelevant.

2019-12-10 16:16:26 UTC  

bet this guy believes in the world wide flood too...

2019-12-10 16:16:39 UTC  

so what if i did?

2019-12-10 16:16:47 UTC  

you'd be a moron

2019-12-10 16:16:51 UTC  

Almost every religion and culture has a flood myth.

2019-12-10 16:16:54 UTC  

Tbf, the world was flooded multiple times

2019-12-10 16:16:54 UTC  

Gretafags in sargoys discord?

2019-12-10 16:17:02 UTC  

key word there "myth"

2019-12-10 16:17:02 UTC  

Truly a sad time to be here

2019-12-10 16:17:04 UTC  


2019-12-10 16:17:16 UTC  

Don't have to be a gretafag to believe in climate change, bigbrain.

2019-12-10 16:17:20 UTC  

They've found proof of the floods in core samples

2019-12-10 16:17:31 UTC  


2019-12-10 16:17:39 UTC  

You have to be a gretafags to think there's anything we can do about it

2019-12-10 16:17:47 UTC  

you also believe the moon landing was faked? birds arent real are they?

2019-12-10 16:17:49 UTC  

I don't believe climate change is the disaster that you believe it is.

2019-12-10 16:17:50 UTC  


2019-12-10 16:17:52 UTC  

Or to believe it'll be a problem anytime soon

2019-12-10 16:18:08 UTC  

Mfw NYC will be underwater by 2000

2019-12-10 16:18:13 UTC  

Thanks Al gore

2019-12-10 16:18:44 UTC  

Mfw I'm on the coast but still a couple hundred ft. Above Sea level

2019-12-10 16:18:46 UTC  

I don't have to think the world's gonna implode to be worried about the possibility of millions of Indians, Chinese, Africans and South Americans fleeing their uninhabitable homes within the foreseeable future.

2019-12-10 16:18:53 UTC  

does the climate change? sure.
can people affect it? It wouldn't surprise me.
Is it a disaster to worry about? Not in the slightest.

2019-12-10 16:19:06 UTC  

"muh crude oil industry"

2019-12-10 16:19:21 UTC  

The oil industry doesn't really care about surpressing climate change stuff

2019-12-10 16:19:25 UTC  

Their market is fucking cars

2019-12-10 16:19:31 UTC  

I do actually have high hopes for the new solid state battery tech