Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl

Discord ID: 653997168482320408

2019-12-10 16:27:18 UTC  

And fossil fuels and their companies are not monolithic and should be treated as such

2019-12-10 16:27:50 UTC  

Monolithic no, monopolistic yes

2019-12-10 16:27:58 UTC  

yah the people who are against nuclear are typically the same sort of alarmists, they think that it is dangerous or some such.

2019-12-10 16:28:11 UTC  

I'm pretty sure that there are a bunch of competing companies for oil and coal

2019-12-10 16:28:19 UTC  

I dunno what you mean by monopolistic there

2019-12-10 16:28:27 UTC  

This isn't exactly he age of rockefeller

2019-12-10 16:28:35 UTC  

I'm all for nuclear. We've figured out thorium. It doesn't try to kill us for breathing

2019-12-10 16:28:58 UTC  

I dunno why people think uranium or plutonium is bad

2019-12-10 16:29:01 UTC  

the only real nuclear disaster I can think of was Chernobyl, and I'm pretty sure there are a dozen reasons why that would never happen again.

2019-12-10 16:29:01 UTC  

They're fine

2019-12-10 16:29:09 UTC  

No need to use other fuels

2019-12-10 16:29:12 UTC  

There were several others that were almost a disaster.

2019-12-10 16:29:29 UTC  

Oligopolies are essentially monopolies with loopholes. I'll treat them the same until they start acting different

2019-12-10 16:29:46 UTC  

I don't know what you're asking for here

2019-12-10 16:29:55 UTC  

There are only so many sites to obtain these resources

2019-12-10 16:30:06 UTC  

And thus there can only be so many extraction companies

2019-12-10 16:30:37 UTC  

it's also rather capital-intensive to get started, especially with the regulations such as they are.

2019-12-10 16:30:55 UTC  

No, there's only so many sites that have been established for extraction. It's expensive set up and therefore restrictive to market entry

2019-12-10 16:31:01 UTC  

A lot of businesses are capital intensive

2019-12-10 16:31:11 UTC  

And so what?

2019-12-10 16:31:15 UTC  

That's most industries nowadays

2019-12-10 16:31:23 UTC  

Hard for non established companies to gain a foothold

2019-12-10 16:31:32 UTC  

Fossil fuel is hardly unique in that regard

2019-12-10 16:31:47 UTC  

Actual oil supplies are quite healthy, it's just only pulled out of the ground at a certain rate to control the market

2019-12-10 16:32:17 UTC  

like any other market.

2019-12-10 16:32:21 UTC  

Not to mention gas goes bad so theres no reason to stockpile it ..

2019-12-10 16:32:52 UTC  

but if you can drill for it cheaper then your competition you will sell it cheaper, because you still get the same percentage back but are producing more.
Thereby making you more money.

2019-12-10 16:33:04 UTC  

There's no risk in stockpiling crude, but processing it all at once is a waste yes

2019-12-10 16:33:09 UTC  

Though plenty of businesses have learned to throttle their profit for tax reasons.

2019-12-10 16:33:33 UTC  

Stockpiling carries risks of its own, when it's in the ground is it effectively stockpiled.

2019-12-10 16:33:35 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 there are environmental concerns

2019-12-10 16:33:44 UTC  

With stockpiling crude

2019-12-10 16:33:55 UTC  

Since when does a corporation care?

2019-12-10 16:34:00 UTC  

Likewise there re environmental concerns with extracting oil too quickly

2019-12-10 16:34:04 UTC  

I think the EPA cares

2019-12-10 16:34:11 UTC  

Not a corporation

2019-12-10 16:34:19 UTC  

Just a watchdog

2019-12-10 16:34:19 UTC  

And if you produce too much eventually the well runs out

2019-12-10 16:34:25 UTC  

Companies prefer stable income

2019-12-10 16:34:32 UTC  

Not income that rises and falls rapudly

2019-12-10 16:34:35 UTC  

The wells refill over time