Message from @Ϻ14ᛟ

Discord ID: 663430802473746443

2020-01-05 17:06:53 UTC  

Let's take Libya. Show me evidence.

2020-01-05 17:07:35 UTC  

Show me evidence that the UN-established central bank of Libya is controlled by a Rothschild.

2020-01-05 17:08:09 UTC  

I still take offense to this being seen as an attack on Iran. Gent was in Iraq... Meeting with terrorists~ If I were Trump I would have said... "Oh we were just killing a terrorist... Didn't know why an Iran Commander will be speaking with said terrorist."

2020-01-05 17:09:07 UTC  

Shit is bad... Like a US General being found in mainland China with an active terrorist group that targets Chinese government and Civilians. No one would be shedding tears.

2020-01-05 17:09:20 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ Found the evidence yet?

2020-01-05 17:09:57 UTC  

Hot Take:
>Zionists want endless wars so Young men will leave their wives at home
>While away from home, their Wives will cheat on their Husbands with Daquan, Jose, and Abdul

2020-01-05 17:10:10 UTC  

Thus the Replacement

2020-01-05 17:10:29 UTC  

@Lidomite I said it was interesting, I never said I subscribed to that specific view. Personally I feel it more generally has to do with Zionist control in general than anything else.

2020-01-05 17:10:44 UTC  

Holy shit how can something being blatantly false be interesting?

2020-01-05 17:10:50 UTC  

I don’t actually believe that, but I’m surprised some Tin-Foil hat wearing retard on /pol hasn’t suggested it

2020-01-05 17:10:55 UTC  

Maybe to mouthbreathing retards, I guess.

2020-01-05 17:11:17 UTC  

You seem personally affected by this in some way

2020-01-05 17:11:20 UTC  

very emotional

2020-01-05 17:12:54 UTC  

Retardation annoys me a lot

2020-01-05 17:13:01 UTC  

How do you deal with yourself

2020-01-05 17:13:18 UTC  

Passing off retarded conspiracy theories really should be called out

2020-01-05 17:15:20 UTC  

Correlation doesn't prove causation. You can easily point out Rothschild banks not occupying countries before the Arab Spring, but that's a shallow analysis. Just because someone eats Froot Loops and gets cancer doesn't mean Froot Loops cause cancer. The same goes for Rothschild banks in middle eastern countries.

2020-01-05 17:15:29 UTC  

@Lidomite Elaborate on your "yeah, don't kill terrorists." comment. This was sarcasm right?
Iran was dealing with ISIS, Al Nusra and Al Qaeda, defeated them in Iran under the command of Soleimani.

2020-01-05 17:16:20 UTC  

@Mersenne You're thinking too much into a passing comment, if you have issues reply to the guy who tweeted it out

2020-01-05 17:16:31 UTC  

And bloodthirsty gangs butcher other bloodthirsty gangs. Doesn't make the thug a saint.

2020-01-05 17:17:09 UTC  

If you scroll up you'll see in my criticism of everything that has happened the Rothschilds have not been mentioned a single time, just that one tweet I posted after all the hours of discussing this lmao.

2020-01-05 17:17:25 UTC  

Fair enough.

2020-01-05 17:17:52 UTC  

@Lidomite the US?

2020-01-05 17:18:05 UTC  

What about it?

2020-01-05 17:18:11 UTC  

The blood thirsty gang?

2020-01-05 17:18:18 UTC  

>Mentions Rothschild Hours after Debate

Looks like your Opinion is invalid

2020-01-05 17:18:19 UTC  


2020-01-05 17:18:21 UTC  

or do you mean Israel

2020-01-05 17:19:24 UTC  

Trump can't even give McCain a late present~

2020-01-05 17:21:06 UTC  


2020-01-05 17:21:16 UTC  

remove the occupation

2020-01-05 17:21:17 UTC  

Soleimani's death really isn't that complicated. He directly aided and supported a militant group responsible for the death of a US contractor and injuring 35 US servicemen December 27th. This was just the latest in a string of provocations, so it's surprising the media's pretending this was just some arbitrary act.

2020-01-05 17:23:09 UTC  

Which media? I've seen a lot justifying it.

What do you mean by "directly aided and supported"? he didn't participate in anything, nor did any Iranians. Iraqi rebels were reacting to US Zionist occupation that they do not want in their country.

2020-01-05 17:23:57 UTC  

Iran-backed militia attacked the US embassy.

2020-01-05 17:24:07 UTC  

Where are you pulling your nonsense from?

2020-01-05 17:24:28 UTC  

US/Israel/Saudi backed terrorists attack Iran and the rest of the Middle East lmao

2020-01-05 17:24:30 UTC  


2020-01-05 17:25:03 UTC  

He didn't participate in anything? Why was QS in Iraq, violating his travel ban by the UN?

2020-01-05 17:25:29 UTC  

You know the Iraqis have no issue with him being there right? lol