Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 666152521047474205

2020-01-13 05:23:43 UTC  

my problem is when their progress

2020-01-13 05:23:52 UTC  

is due to using americas influence/power

2020-01-13 05:23:58 UTC  

🙏🏼 i love khazar milkers sorry habibi

2020-01-13 05:23:59 UTC  

leave us out of it

2020-01-13 05:24:14 UTC  

israel is an illegitimate state

2020-01-13 05:24:14 UTC  

Isn't religious Zionism about establishing the kingdom of God on earth under a single empire?

2020-01-13 05:24:26 UTC  

that's not really true

2020-01-13 05:24:31 UTC  

too long to explain

2020-01-13 05:24:32 UTC  


2020-01-13 05:24:45 UTC  

Okay, good night

2020-01-13 05:28:26 UTC  

>>i said the right was zionist controlled. that doesnt really imply that the left isnt either
@UnScottable The left appears to be financed by the Chinese and Iranians (at least in some capacity)

2020-01-13 05:28:58 UTC  

well perhaps they arent aided by zionist jews specifically

2020-01-13 05:29:01 UTC  

let me rephrase

2020-01-13 05:29:08 UTC  

seems the reformed jews typically support the left

2020-01-13 05:29:13 UTC  

George Soros for example

2020-01-13 05:29:20 UTC  

so not zionists really yea

2020-01-13 05:30:12 UTC  

Yeah, the Zionists I've talked to call the majority of jews in America "erev rav", or the mixed multitudes that they left egypt with. I don't know if he was convinced or trying to convince me though

2020-01-13 05:31:45 UTC  

His basic explanation was that they are the jews that lead people to sin lol

2020-01-13 05:32:01 UTC  

idk if this is true but

2020-01-13 05:32:17 UTC  

isnt there some form of Judaism where its literally not a sin if the sins are committed against gentiles

2020-01-13 05:32:46 UTC  

i cant remember where i heard that

2020-01-13 05:33:36 UTC  

There isn't a central catechism for Judaism. It would likely be the Talmud or Midrash: it wouldn't surprise me if it's written in there somewhere

2020-01-13 05:34:15 UTC  

i think i heard its the talmud

2020-01-13 05:34:32 UTC  

i think its like... specific sins though

2020-01-13 05:34:36 UTC  

not like all sins

2020-01-13 05:34:40 UTC  

>>Shahak reiterates the well-known Jewish teaching that the duty to save a life supersedes all other obligations and notes that the rabbis interpreted this to apply to Jews only. According to the Talmud, "Gentiles are neither to be lifted [out of a well] nor hauled down [into it]" (Tractate Avodah Zarah, 26b). Maimonides writes: "As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war…their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’–but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow" (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Murder 4:11).

2020-01-13 05:35:17 UTC  


2020-01-13 05:35:21 UTC  

There's Midrash Talpiott p 225L which says that gentiles are beasts in human form to do the work of the Jew but I don't think that's a very well known passage.

2020-01-13 05:35:23 UTC  


2020-01-13 05:36:10 UTC  

the more you look into their holy books and works. the more you are like... huh... thats weird

2020-01-13 05:36:29 UTC  

and i mean all holy books and works have that to some degree but man the talmud and shit

2020-01-13 05:36:34 UTC  

its just something else entirely lol

2020-01-13 05:37:08 UTC  

I think it ultimately comes down to the way that the higher level rabbis and pharisees think based on the esoteric beliefs they learn.

2020-01-13 05:37:55 UTC  

hm yea perhaps.. hard to know unless you are jewish or convert

2020-01-13 05:38:15 UTC  

Eh: you can always risk your sanity and go straight for the good stuff lol

2020-01-13 05:41:56 UTC
It really depends on what your definition of "weird" is though. In some ways they codified their identity to the point in which they can openly discriminate against other people and calling them out for it is racist on your part

2020-01-13 05:43:16 UTC  


2020-01-13 05:43:22 UTC  

thats what i mean by "weird"

2020-01-13 05:43:43 UTC  

as in... you know. in other religions like Christianity or Buddhism they just dont have quite the same thing

2020-01-13 05:44:50 UTC  

Buddhism was an ascetic response to the Vedic tradition though: the Hindu tradition was pretty unabashed about their use of a caste system.