Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 666490053723422733

2020-01-14 02:16:57 UTC  

@Jym well it's time to man up or be a bitch and fade in the goodnight; the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants. If you're not willing to die for an ideal you'll fall for anything

2020-01-14 02:17:29 UTC  

The entirety of the western hemisphere should be the empire of United republics , from seaboard to seaboard

2020-01-14 02:17:48 UTC  

Dufuq are you on about?

2020-01-14 02:18:23 UTC  

Well, sinicization for one. Let's learn from the Chinese and take a page from them

2020-01-14 02:19:22 UTC  

I.e. slowly but surely assimilating people into your cultural and ethnic identity

2020-01-14 02:20:43 UTC  

We're entering a world of empires and so far it looks like China is the only contender that has some of its shit together

2020-01-14 02:24:56 UTC  

Maybe it's time to consider how exactly we're going to fit into this evolving world order as opposed to crying about how unfair/hypocritical the world we find ourselves is. No one cares and our future is the one we carve out for ourselves

2020-01-14 02:27:49 UTC  

Well I am a huge fan of assimilation but it is a slow complicated process. Like as proportion of population we had more migration in the Gilded Age **but** they were from diverse cultures so they could not assimilate with each other and instead assimilated to our culture.

Now if you are talking about greater integration with our own hemisphere that's something that has happened/ is happening. Imports are not a large part of our GDP and our biggest trade partners are Mexico and Canada. A new version of Monroe makes sense (if for no other reason that Europe and Asia are a bit daft).

I also think you highly overestimate the Chinese. Or the ability of any world order to sustain itself *without* our support. 90% of global trade is maritime.

2020-01-14 02:33:52 UTC  

@Jym I feel you. My cute SA gf has a love-hate relationship with the US, but the reason she loves it is because of the people here. I'm hoping one day she's gonna be able to love it like I do, but still waiting for now

2020-01-14 02:35:28 UTC  

Well maybe instead of being in the middle East we can clean up the mess we helped create in the first place through the drug trade. You can't just let States fail on your border and drain into yours

2020-01-14 02:39:49 UTC  

@The Face of God

SA usually means South Africa you mean South America? Either way I do mean an *updated* Monroe. We could start in Mexico because we already have so much trade there anyway but if we re-shore our Asian supply chain there is could work. And that's a 2-way street because our energy output really took off and they are already connected to our pipeline.

This has side benefits on the immigration issue. If Central Americans coming North have to cross a prosperous nation that has a more similar culture and the same language.......

2020-01-14 02:44:29 UTC  

South African lol. Tbh I think the US and SA could work together in joint because I feel they have a lot in common, but SA would surprisingly more conservative culturally (despite their policies)

2020-01-14 02:47:25 UTC  

Maybe in strategic metals? I mean there we don't do a lot of business with Africa.

2020-01-14 02:47:29 UTC  

Do you picture South Africa "working out" without foreign intervention? Has the situation calmed down at all? I haven't kept too close of an eye

2020-01-14 02:56:23 UTC  

@ComradeChaos I have a Friend in SA, I’ll ask her

2020-01-14 02:58:25 UTC  
2020-01-14 03:37:24 UTC
`His campaign was supported by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour, who said she cried tears of joy upon learning of his election victory.`

2020-01-14 03:52:23 UTC  

@Jokerfaic <:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>

2020-01-14 03:53:12 UTC  

Increased vetting in-fucking-deed

2020-01-14 03:53:31 UTC  

the amount of rope the fed gives these savages is disgusting

2020-01-14 03:56:47 UTC  

lest anyone forget the record so far:

Embassy in Iraq comes under attack by rioters, a (questionable) connection's made to Iran, their general's assassinated

Saudi military officer opens fire on American soil, fed obfuscates about phone-footage, trump plays terrorist advocate saying "MBS is super sorry, guys, no really"

2020-01-14 04:00:20 UTC  

1. A US embassy *is* American soil

2. Questionable how? He was killed in a car with the head of the militia that attacked the embassy and 3 different foreign currencies were found at the site.

2020-01-14 04:00:27 UTC  

"No, I don't know where that semen on my collar came from. FAKE NEWZZZ!"

2020-01-14 04:02:46 UTC  

no, some bumfuck desert patch in sandpeople-land is not american soil, its a diplomatic port. I'll not shed a nationalistic tear over a patch of bloodsoaked sand just because it has a flag planted on it

2020-01-14 04:03:21 UTC  

Pensacola, Florida is American soil. Iraq is not.

2020-01-14 04:05:30 UTC  

Under no fucking circumstance should any shovel of Iraqi sand be brought in comparison with the genuine article

2020-01-14 04:06:56 UTC  

No embassies are all sovereign American land. Everywhere. If you never leave your trailer (and your sister's sweet sweet puss) it does not matter. But outside in barbarian fringes like Yurip a US Embassy is your only escape to civilization.

2020-01-14 04:08:13 UTC  

that you regard europe as barbaric in the context of a conversation concerning the middle east is a disturbing flavor of bias

2020-01-14 04:09:56 UTC  

Could I be arrested for Drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade at the Saudi Consulate?

2020-01-14 04:10:37 UTC  

Since Alcohol is Illegal in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Embassy is Saudi Soil

2020-01-14 04:10:54 UTC  

fuck em, drive by with a hooker on your lap smoking a cigarette and blasting fortunate son out the speakers

2020-01-14 04:11:44 UTC  

under no circumstance should the wishes of multiple-count american-killers be considered on american soil

2020-01-14 04:12:13 UTC  

not to mention being a fucking jihadi kingdom

2020-01-14 04:12:15 UTC  

Embassies are not US Soil

2020-01-14 04:14:27 UTC  

McKeel vs Islamic Republic of Iran stated that the US Embassy in Tehran is not US Soil

2020-01-14 04:15:53 UTC  

Also defined in VCDR (Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)

2020-01-14 04:24:13 UTC  

I regard Yurip as barbaric because they are barbaric. It was merely an example of the uncivilized nature of foreigners.

2020-01-14 04:29:05 UTC  

Also McKeel merely states that a citizen may not file a civil action against a foreign state based on the sovereignty of the embassy. **Not** that such sovereignty does not exist.