Message from @TheGhostAgent

Discord ID: 668528992759971851

2020-01-19 18:46:22 UTC  

y u do dis dems. we just want to keep our guns ya damn dickholes

2020-01-19 18:46:36 UTC  

They want to 0 resistance when they tyrannize their plebs

2020-01-19 18:46:49 UTC  

pretty much

2020-01-19 18:47:07 UTC  

When has it ever turned out well for the citizenry when the govt disarmed their entire populace?

2020-01-19 18:47:23 UTC  

Ppl of Cambodia, China, Jews pre-Holocaust, etc all would like a word w/you

2020-01-19 18:47:46 UTC  

HK and Venezuela is learning that lesson right now

2020-01-19 18:48:06 UTC  

i cant STAND the people who dont get the important of gun rights

2020-01-19 18:48:19 UTC  

im like... your ancestors would be ashamed of you.

2020-01-19 18:49:55 UTC  

I think they do understand and because they do, they want to repeat history. Except this time, they won't be the ones on the other end of the barrel, except the ones holding the gun. I don't think they're naive as some ppl think they are. Not giving them enough credit.

2020-01-19 18:50:19 UTC  

Sit down children and Rest your bones
To learn of the Ride of Alex Jones
Who rode to Virginia, Richmond you see
To show how Wilin’ the Commies Be
Armed with a Megaphone, and a Declaration
He showed the true colors of the rulers of our nation
No white and Blue, Only Red
The only good commie is one that’s dead
On Livestream I could watch no More
As Patriots Bodies hit the floor
The Camera caught it all for me
And broadcast for the World to see
What happens when you’re on the Fence
About your right for your Defense
Do not let them slaughter you
Push Back the Tyrants, it’s the right thing to do

2020-01-19 18:50:48 UTC  

These ppl are driven by a sense of moral righteousness and wish to enforce their superiority or desire to be a dictator onto everyone else. How else can they do it other than disarming any form of resistance?

2020-01-19 18:51:29 UTC  

they are foolish ghost because anyone who reads about socialist revolutions can tell you that those who think they will be holding the gun, end up getting lined up as well

2020-01-19 18:51:58 UTC  

Of course, but they genuinely believe they're the exception. That they're the next Mao or Stalin and instead, will be the ones shooting everyone, not getting shot themselves

2020-01-19 18:52:26 UTC  

Do you think every thief, murderer, etc, do it because they think they'll get caught or that they do it because they actually think they're the exception?

2020-01-19 18:52:53 UTC  

If they actually think they'll have the guns turned onto them, they wouldn't do it

2020-01-19 18:53:01 UTC  

Except they don't

2020-01-19 18:53:27 UTC  

yea well i do think they think the people on the right stating that the main reason we have rights to own guns is to fight tyranny

2020-01-19 18:53:37 UTC  

ive literally said that to people and they laugh like im crazy

2020-01-19 18:53:49 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:53:54 UTC  


2020-01-19 18:55:32 UTC  

It's funny because they believe your "pistols" won't do shit to their military when they put the boot to your neck

2020-01-19 18:55:50 UTC  

Just don't tell them the bulk of the military leans right tho lol

2020-01-19 18:57:17 UTC  

and well anyone who knows anything about warfare and power. knows that you dont have a populous to leach wealth from or rule over if they are all droned. lol
and you cant occupy territory with drones. to hold territory and occupy it you need boots on the ground still.

2020-01-19 18:57:57 UTC  

so even access to pistols and rifles and etc. in a conflict like that it is absolutely invaluable

2020-01-19 19:01:01 UTC  

You're talking to ppl who lives in the world of CoD/MW at best to ppl thinking they'll have a red dawn of socialist drones in the military ready and willing to shoot their own countrymen to bring about a communist utopia. I don't think real world tactical or strategic implications comes into the forefront of their planning

2020-01-19 19:03:21 UTC  

“Drumbpf is Racist because he didn’t send Aid to PR”

2020-01-19 19:04:09 UTC  

I can’t wait for this to somehow be his fault

2020-01-19 19:08:19 UTC  

@TheGhostAgent I think what everyone is really missing here is what it would mean for the Virginia government to actually fire on 2A protestors

2020-01-19 19:08:48 UTC  

The fallout would be much worse than the casualties on the ground

2020-01-19 19:08:58 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP It's his fault because if he wasn't president, the leadership in PR wouldn't have had to withheld aid to make him look back. Therefore, OMB!

2020-01-19 19:10:09 UTC  

As for the fallout, we all assume that the left CARES or GAF about casualties

2020-01-19 19:10:14 UTC  

We're playing completely different games here

2020-01-19 19:10:45 UTC  

high concentration of conservative christians = higher rates of divorce, how ironic lol.

2020-01-19 19:11:10 UTC  

You mean I can’t download the Cruise Missile App on my Phone and call it in after I kill 5 people? (Or 4 with Hardline)

2020-01-19 19:11:23 UTC  

Unfortunately, no lol

2020-01-19 19:11:38 UTC  

And you don't respawn upon death

2020-01-19 19:11:45 UTC  

Or pull out the Magic Tablet to order a White Phosphorus Strike after 10

2020-01-19 19:11:46 UTC  

Shocking, I know

2020-01-19 19:12:02 UTC  

What if I put a Road flare on the ground lmao

2020-01-19 19:12:16 UTC  

You can try? lol