Message from @ComradeChaos

Discord ID: 673546695233241098

2020-02-02 14:47:45 UTC  

Because the level four biohazard lab right next to the Wuhan market is totally immaterial to a fucking burgeoning global epidemic

Ahh yes a known BSL-4 facility is nearby and not that the chinese sucks at hygine practices and keep eating wild animals, it must have been from an agent undercover operative <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-02 14:49:38 UTC  

I think it was an accidental release given how contagious it is.

2020-02-02 14:50:57 UTC  

It is contagious even during the incubation period, airborne, survives on surfaces and it causes immunocompromising viral pneumonia in 20 percent of people who get it: that doesn't seem awfully convenient as a package deal to you?

So your evidence is: ```
BSL-4 facility nearby, coincidence;
Supposed HIV insertions into a virus and a paper from india superpowaa!
``` One of those are already retarded claims of supposed bioweapons the HIV insertion one. But I can grant you that BSL-4 coincidence might be valid but I think it has too more do so with why these viruses always keep appearing in china, and that is because chinese generally suck at basic hygine etc.

2020-02-02 14:54:00 UTC  

Wouldn't that make them more resilient to disease as a whole? We're creating super bugs through our disinfecting practices as well

No that is not how diseases work. You do not get a better immune system from being a dirty motherfucker, the only thing you do to your immune system is overburding it. Furthermore, the more in contact you are with unsanitised condition especially in food markets or on the streets animals the more likely the chance is if you keep on eating those types of animals without any precautions is mutation, especially in viruses.

Bacteria is a whole different story as to why they get immune.

2020-02-02 15:00:39 UTC  

Don't we need to actually get sick to train the immune system?
I think that being able to use protease inhibitors to treat the virus is at least some evidence that there is a similarity between the way that this virus replicates as well as hiv. I'm not a doctor but I can tell that the likely cause of the seizures people are experiencing in videos coming out of China are cytokine storms: sure, maybe it just replicates and compromises the immune system similarly but it also has traits that would make it a good weapon. We'll know what it is soon enough

@ComradeChaos The similarity you see between HIV and corona viruses is the same for almost all viruses, the mutate rapidily the protease in order to be able to infect more cells etc. Even the goddamn flue can make the immune system respond with a cytokine storm but that is very rare and I am not saying that this virus is supposed to be treated like the flue. I am saying that this virus is contagious but not a bioweapon because a bioweapon would IMO be better at its jobs than this.

2020-02-02 15:03:47 UTC  

Not if it's meant to demoralize as opposed to cleanse a location

2020-02-02 15:05:01 UTC  

The flu of 1918 killed around 100 million people, I think this will do at least that many

hepatitis C is a bioweapon indication because you use antiviral drugs on it <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-02 15:07:13 UTC  

No, it's because of how the Chinese are responding, the people who are being arrested in my own country with chemical biology and zoonotic virology credentials, the laboratory, the frankly untrue nature of the reported sick and dead

That is how the CCP always does thing I do not see how this is anything else than the CCP being CCP. They did the same when other diseases spread

But not quarenteen whole cities. They didint have too do it back then but now because they tried too silence the spreading of this virus they must be scared shitless.

2020-02-02 15:09:53 UTC  

35 to 50 million people quarantined, roads blocked off with dirt... Sometimes you don't need to be a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing

@ComradeChaos Was sars a bioweapon? Is ebola a bioweapon? I frankly cant tell if you have too somehow use the bioweapon remark to grasp how a virus becomes dangerous. What I am saying is that natural viruses that cross the interspecies barrier are dangerous because we do not have any innate resistance to it because the immune system has never dealth with anything similar before.

2020-02-02 15:12:48 UTC
I think viruses can be natural and dangerous but I think there's a lot of coincidences stacking up with the arrests of professors in my country who also worked in Wuhan(one in that lab I believe).

2020-02-02 15:14:06 UTC  

I don't really believe in clusters of coincidences

I am sure as all hell that I could somehow twist SARS into being a bioweapon by these standards of evidence. I think this disease is natural. Does not mean that it is any less dangerous. Something does not have too be a bioweapon to be dangerous.

2020-02-02 15:15:56 UTC  

I feel like there are things here I need to overlook here in order to believe it isn't

2020-02-02 15:17:16 UTC  

Imagine getting upset that you got suspended for saying ‘well what about muh rape’ literally like 5 minutes after the man died (2015); (2004); (2004); 🤔 IT is almost as if they used this back then It must have been a bioweapon I am completely sure of it.

2020-02-02 15:19:27 UTC  

@ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ why are you shilling so hard for the Chinese? You seem entirely disinterested in the things that make this suspicious

2020-02-02 15:20:27 UTC  

You're going out of your way to discredit me without even acknowledging those people that make this plausible

2020-02-02 15:21:55 UTC  

I've already said it's possible for a disease to be natural and deadly

@ComradeChaos I am interested in spreading real information instead of some weird ignorant stuff about how HIV sequences can be found in this virus. Let me tell you this almost all viruses have one HIV sequence. I react to you using a really badly put paper that does not even have proper methodology and only looks on the aminio acids sequences in order to somehow make the conclusion that these must have been inserted. Furthermore, it shows a lack of knowledge on the field and I am happy to engage with you on this topic. However, I do not apperiate the complete disregard of science in order to somehow make this into something which we currently have no real evidence for. I already granted you that some pieces of information looks suspicous af but not the HIV one.

2020-02-02 15:24:31 UTC  

Here are the names of two of these professors currently under investigation

2020-02-02 15:25:36 UTC  

Charles Lieber is a Chemical Biology professional
Ms Xiangguo is a zoonotic disease specialist

The main reason why I engage with you on this is because you think this 100% not because you meme it, but mostly because you seem like an person who honestly believes some misinformation. I've seen some other stuff in this server especially on the hiv stuff but I already pointed out that these can almost be found everywhere and that they already tested HIV drug treatment on SARS 2004, and MERS.

2020-02-02 15:26:39 UTC  

I think you're perhaps missing the forest for the trees here in spite of everything that has recently transpired.

2020-02-02 15:26:59 UTC  

I'm not a geneticist but I have studied military tactics

But you have already from what I have seen granted the point that the HIV aspects is dumb as all hell and that was my only gripe with the argumentation.

2020-02-02 15:28:30 UTC  

I think it doesn't matter at this point until people actually look into the claims being made from a standpoint of all of these scientists that are under investigation have credentials that would make them uniquely qualified to engineer bioweapons

And it cannot in your opinion be normal CCP activites of stealing shit they've got their hands on or work near? Which is a common thing in almost all industrys and it is how the soviets did it aswell?

Why the hell would one use a virus as a bioweapon when a virus is almost impossible to control because it mutates so rapidly that by the time it has infected one enemy agent it could already have mutated into something that will infect your men?

Bacteria I can understad fungi pretty much the same but a virus that you do not have control over seems like a pretty stupid military tatic to me.