Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 680841601999962127

2020-02-22 16:27:01 UTC  

@The Roman Emperor For the love of god.

2020-02-22 16:27:26 UTC  

Thanks for painting a target on my back progressives.

2020-02-22 16:34:41 UTC theres the link to the article pictured above. i had a quick browse through the bill and its not even twisted to make it look worse. its just actually allowing 18 year old gay rapists to sodomize 8 year olds.

2020-02-22 16:36:51 UTC  

because its a gay mans right to sodomize as many children as he wants

2020-02-22 16:42:40 UTC  

CA just seems to keep getting better dont it

2020-02-22 17:49:30 UTC  

>Letting Faggots Rape Kids b/c Progress

Very Progressive

2020-02-22 17:51:41 UTC  

incredibly progressive

2020-02-22 17:51:54 UTC  

stop being such a bigot and throw it in a kid already smh

2020-02-22 18:02:44 UTC  

I’m glad Millions of Americans and Europeans killed each other so that California can legalize Paedophilia

2020-02-22 18:20:02 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP politics aside, are the birds okay?

2020-02-22 18:20:16 UTC  

can't be very good to just glue shit to their heads

2020-02-22 18:20:43 UTC  

Yes, the group said they used Eyelash Glue so the hats would fall off in a couple days

2020-02-22 18:20:54 UTC  

fair enough

2020-02-22 18:21:05 UTC  

If not, they said when they came back to the coops they’d remove them

2020-02-22 18:21:16 UTC  

I believe it was the same group that did the Cowboy hats

2020-02-22 18:21:27 UTC  

oh, so they're semi-domesticated?

2020-02-22 18:23:02 UTC  

Btw the fag shielding pedo law is a 10 year age gap between participants

2020-02-22 18:23:12 UTC  

So its also 8 and 18

2020-02-22 18:23:20 UTC  

As much as its 17 and 27

2020-02-22 18:23:43 UTC  

But this is what happens when you allow gays to express themselves in public

2020-02-22 18:24:06 UTC  

17 and 27 sounds like none of the state's business unless consent is questionable, tho

2020-02-22 18:24:09 UTC  

40% of all pedos are faggots btw

2020-02-22 18:24:19 UTC  

Despite being less than 3% of the population

2020-02-22 18:44:00 UTC  

Let us never forget Big Dick Jack who Domed a retard shooting up his Church With One Shot from 50 feet with a fuckin Pistol. American Hero

2020-02-22 18:51:39 UTC  

Guess what yank fags bernie > trump

2020-02-22 19:00:26 UTC  

Lmao, Doubt

2020-02-22 20:00:03 UTC  

Guessing thats trigger all the pol tards in the chat.

2020-02-22 20:59:40 UTC  

first results in:

2020-02-22 20:59:41 UTC  

Sanders 312 42.4 105 51.2 12 0
Buttigieg 38 5.2 0 0.0 0 0
Warren 63 8.6 0 0.0 0 0
Biden 159 21.6 74 36.1 12 0
Klobuchar 36 4.9 0 0.0 0 0
Steyer 114 15.5 24 11.7 10 0

2020-02-22 21:00:07 UTC  
2020-02-22 22:47:01 UTC  

Sanders 1,997 45.1 2,048 54.7 364 0
Biden 713 16.1 598 16.0 129 0
Buttigieg 446 10.1 321 8.6 38 0
Warren 526 11.9 371 9.9 54 0
Steyer 449 10.1 316 8.4 60 0
Klobuchar 231 5.2 81 2.2 8 0
Gabbard 13 0.3 0 0.0 0 0

2020-02-22 22:47:04 UTC  


2020-02-22 22:47:27 UTC  

I hope this pace isn't going to stay like this all night