Message from @randomNPCno3
Discord ID: 682218319540912168
Trump does a fortnight dance
Honestly it will be funny to see what happens when Trump accuses Bernie of being a USSR asset.
Because he would have no way to disprove it.
Better to attack him purely on socialism, he's denounced the USSR enough that he'd be comfortable ignoring those accusations
Okay but the thing is this.
He would have to answer for his trip at Moscow.
Watching the town hall from 10months ago and it's exactly what he does
There is a lot of surprises that could really hurt Bernie.
Especially if Putin has secret KGB documents on Bernie's trip.
Second generation Russian immigrant asked him to address the subject and he disavowed communism and brought the question onto socialism. Just attack socialism so he can't run
You can attack Socialism.
I think though that just attacking Socialism isn't enough.
In order for this to work.
You have to destroy Bernie.
It's basically communism. Same arguments hold up, but attacking communism first is an overreach since he won't try to defend it
At every level.
You start with the basic tentants of what he prattles on about and how it's flawed.
Then you nail his dick to the wall and the him how he violates those principles.
And then you game end him with his true motivations.
For one, human rights are not what's granted by the government. They're immutable rights that the government recognizes as "do not fuck with" so healthcare is not a human right
But basically this is what Trump has to do during the general election.
Aganist Sanders.
Oh if he's up against Bernie I'd actually watch the debates
For entertainment value
The only other candidate I feel like would lose to that level is Bloomberg.
If for no other reason than his soda taxes.
That's not going to work for the Midwest at least.
"This is the same man, who put taxes on sodas."
"Do you really want this guy to be leader of the country when he can't even diet by himself but force the nation to do it with him?"
We should get the meme team on it.
Mike Bloomberg at the Boston Tea Party dumping McDonalds and Cokes to spite King Trump the third.
It would really help your campiagn Bloomberg.
On a different note.
I wonder if Bloomberg is an undercover Trump supporter.
And he is just doing everything to make sure Bernie gets the nomination by splitting the moderate vote more.
Biden, Bloomberg, and Warren aren't leaving the election even if they know they lost.
Bloomberg is unironically everything that the Dems have been accusing Trump of but quantifiably worse
Thinking about it I think a President Steve Bannon would be great
Steven would get Epsteind if he's not careful
He's the only person other than Trump who understands the real threat the CCP poses