Message from @byathy

Discord ID: 683335666569838688

2020-02-29 05:31:41 UTC  


2020-02-29 05:31:55 UTC  

get fukd

2020-02-29 07:46:35 UTC  

if you're gonna link one of those cancerous anti adblock articles at least archive it so they dont show ads

2020-02-29 10:55:35 UTC  

Heard the Democrats are gas lighting about Trump calling the "Corona virus" a hoax.

2020-02-29 11:33:38 UTC  

He's already acknowledged it, he just doesn't think there needs to be that much done right now in the US, which while I don't agree with it, it's not him calling the virus a hoac

2020-02-29 11:33:58 UTC  

Also what happened to acknowledging Corona virus being a racist thing to do?

2020-02-29 11:34:04 UTC  

Typical dems

2020-02-29 11:49:12 UTC  

@Gaylien He said "This wont disappear magically" and MSNBC cut out the this wont then had a 7 man circle jerk on how badly trump screwed the pooch

2020-02-29 11:49:27 UTC  

Like Rush Limbaugh said, where was this fake outrage 4 months ago

2020-02-29 13:32:30 UTC  

<:poggers:583775485620781087> <:poggers:583775485620781087> <:poggers:583775485620781087>

2020-02-29 14:56:49 UTC  

This will be a big win for Trump @Cragnathar The Destroyer

2020-02-29 14:57:32 UTC  

thats assuming everything goes to plan, but the reduction of violence agreement for the last 7 days seems to have worked

2020-02-29 15:07:03 UTC  

#INB4 war is good, peace is bad, orange man bad mmm'kay

2020-02-29 15:07:20 UTC  

NYT/Vox - Here's why the peace agreement is bad

2020-02-29 15:30:51 UTC  

Its actually a FULL WITHDRAWAL

2020-02-29 15:31:05 UTC  

I hate trump but he's actually doing something good here

2020-02-29 15:31:35 UTC  

We would have gotten a better deal before but the Taliban do know that the us can't beat them now

2020-02-29 15:31:58 UTC  

At least this isn't like the syria mess where trump STILL has troops in Syria

2020-02-29 15:32:36 UTC  

@TheGhostAgent they are probably going to concern troll about rights

2020-02-29 15:35:23 UTC  

Lol people in my Twitter notifications are saying it isn't a good deal because of course

2020-02-29 16:11:34 UTC  

"At least this isn't like the syria mess where trump STILL has troops in Syria"

2020-02-29 16:11:37 UTC  

This is fucking retarded

2020-02-29 16:11:48 UTC  

Trump didn't get us there. Obama did. Without congressional approval.

2020-02-29 16:13:13 UTC  

And if Trump is doing MASSIVE things that you approve of and you still hate the guy, you're retarded. There's no two ways about it.

2020-02-29 16:15:00 UTC  

"Doing something good" is throwing a decent White House Christmas party. Potentially getting out of Afghanistan is more than "good."

2020-02-29 16:15:11 UTC  

There isn't a single person in Washington that can win the presidency and would behave like Trump does.

2020-02-29 16:15:57 UTC  

@Lidomite i only approve of this
Of everything else i dont like

2020-02-29 16:16:19 UTC  

And yes i know obama started it and trump took some good steps to get out

2020-02-29 16:16:39 UTC  

But seriously the troops are only there on the oil fields now

2020-02-29 16:17:28 UTC  

Maybe you can get a career politician that you do like in the future and get nothign like this.

2020-02-29 16:18:17 UTC  

Yea I'm not happy that trump didn't really follow therough his promise to withdraw all troops from syria

2020-02-29 16:18:33 UTC  

But i don't think most of the 2020 dem candidates would withdraw then either

2020-02-29 16:19:21 UTC  

I don't think you people really appreciate how difficult it is for Trump to navigate through this bullshit.

2020-02-29 16:19:31 UTC  

It's 18 fucking years of investment.

2020-02-29 16:21:43 UTC  

The past two presidents campaigned on ending wars. This whole "end the wars" shtick has been going on for a long time.

2020-02-29 16:21:57 UTC  

Only one has taken any real effort towards that.

2020-02-29 16:22:28 UTC  

Ok that's true

2020-02-29 16:22:54 UTC  

I think people take an overly simplistic idea of what withdrawal means. It's fairly easy to make an argument as to why our various ME adventures were bad ideas. This doesn't change the fact that they happened and that they changed the power balance in the region. So you can't 'leave it the way you found it'. it is more like unscrambling an egg.....