Message from @Gaylien

Discord ID: 683372166191775974

2020-02-29 16:19:31 UTC  

It's 18 fucking years of investment.

2020-02-29 16:21:43 UTC  

The past two presidents campaigned on ending wars. This whole "end the wars" shtick has been going on for a long time.

2020-02-29 16:21:57 UTC  

Only one has taken any real effort towards that.

2020-02-29 16:22:28 UTC  

Ok that's true

2020-02-29 16:22:54 UTC  

I think people take an overly simplistic idea of what withdrawal means. It's fairly easy to make an argument as to why our various ME adventures were bad ideas. This doesn't change the fact that they happened and that they changed the power balance in the region. So you can't 'leave it the way you found it'. it is more like unscrambling an egg.....

2020-02-29 16:23:02 UTC  

Also the establishment had major influence they would like to keep the troops everywhere because it means money for them

2020-02-29 16:23:54 UTC  

The bigger Q is exactly how many American lives and tax dollars needs to go into this endless sink hole? I think over a decade is more than long enough... Afg almost 2 decs

2020-02-29 16:38:38 UTC  

I bet people will try their best to make sure the deal doesn't go through

2020-02-29 17:15:08 UTC  

and he gets pilloried for being a traitor to the kurds or whatever.... for wanting to pull back

2020-02-29 17:15:31 UTC  

as if we should give a fuck about the kurds <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-29 17:38:10 UTC  

so we now have a reason to carpet bomb the fucks

2020-02-29 17:38:41 UTC  

we should now Carpet bomb Beijing and burn Chinese communist flags

2020-02-29 17:39:10 UTC  

Well, America's been a Taliban ally and funder on and off for decades, so this is hardly unthinkable:

2020-02-29 17:39:55 UTC  

we seriously need to bomb china

2020-02-29 17:43:21 UTC  

Nah, we just need to quarantine China

2020-02-29 17:43:31 UTC  

They'll kill themselves off

2020-02-29 17:53:12 UTC  

@breadmoth That guy is soo self owning.

2020-02-29 17:53:45 UTC  

A utter smooth brain

2020-02-29 17:57:00 UTC  

@breadmoth Did he actually say this?

2020-02-29 17:57:33 UTC  

Or is it a meme?

2020-02-29 17:57:46 UTC  


2020-02-29 18:00:26 UTC  

yea meme but the point stands, he would find something good to say about dahmer

2020-02-29 18:00:54 UTC  

i don't agree with everything hitler did,but hitler was for animal rights 🤷‍♂️

2020-02-29 18:02:41 UTC  

Thats cringe bruh

2020-02-29 18:07:38 UTC  

whoa wut? 1st death in the US? #INB4 fake news claims

2020-02-29 18:07:44 UTC  

Maybe ppl will start taking this seriously

2020-02-29 18:07:57 UTC  

doubtful tho until we start hitting over 100 deaths

2020-02-29 18:13:46 UTC  

i think that the EU is using China as a reason to unify faster and are actually conspiring with the Chinese government so that they can justify a faster unification now China is most definitely a threat but i think the EU is conspiring with them

2020-02-29 18:14:19 UTC  

both the Chinese communist party and the EU must be destroyed

2020-02-29 18:15:02 UTC  

also if china doesn't back off we should bomb the bastards

2020-02-29 18:18:56 UTC  

They have nukes. MAD =\= win

2020-02-29 18:19:05 UTC  


2020-02-29 18:25:35 UTC

Shoe is really upset that the Democrats are rigging things against Bernie, and I agree, it seems they are.

But then she remains a Democrat for some reason. This is so fucking incomprehensible. If you don't like how they run things, just quit.

But she's bitching about how they're violating the "will of the people" or something, and then whining about how it's a "libertarian excuse" that they're a private entity and can do what they want.

Jesus that is the ENTIRE POINT of having political parties. If it was just direct democracy where the members select the nominees, then why have a party at all? What possible reason is there for having political parties in the first place except to have them run things as they see fit.

Just fucking quit the party if you don't like it. Start your own.

These people love Canada so much, and Canada has three or four parties every elecetion. Just fucking do that. It's not that hard.

2020-02-29 18:26:35 UTC  

Imagine a world where the government came down and told parties 'You just accept whoever gets the most votes." That'd be a fucking disaster. The first thing people are going to do is join the party they hate and vote for an asshole.

2020-02-29 18:26:54 UTC  

fuck the democrats