Message from @Black White

Discord ID: 552263518104190982

2019-03-04 22:56:41 UTC


2019-03-04 22:56:55 UTC

still newfag

2019-03-04 22:56:58 UTC

<a:milos:542745071120810015> <a:milos:542745071120810015> <a:milos:542745071120810015> <a:milos:542745071120810015>

2019-03-04 22:57:04 UTC

always newfag

2019-03-04 22:57:06 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:11 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:13 UTC

one day you will be an old fag

2019-03-04 22:57:17 UTC

I wanna get as big as Ricardo

2019-03-04 22:57:21 UTC

but ancient fag is a fag of prestige

2019-03-04 22:57:21 UTC

@Grimoire's feet how hot was grimoire

2019-03-04 22:57:25 UTC

old fag

2019-03-04 22:57:27 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:28 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:32 UTC

0/10 @Droidy

2019-03-04 22:57:37 UTC

Could be worse

2019-03-04 22:57:39 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:47 UTC

U could be stalking people like @Cukie

2019-03-04 22:57:50 UTC


2019-03-04 22:57:57 UTC

2019-03-04 22:57:59 UTC

@Droidy loved it when she choked the dictator. so hot.

2019-03-04 22:58:03 UTC

Ucan never be as big as Ricardo adam

2019-03-04 22:58:05 UTC


2019-03-04 22:58:07 UTC

2019-03-04 22:58:12 UTC

Not on drugsmoire

2019-03-04 22:58:23 UTC


2019-03-04 22:58:23 UTC

We love Grimoire <:FeelsWowMan:401495912918024203>

2019-03-04 22:58:25 UTC

Grim <a:ablobhearteyes:400876670703239180>

2019-03-04 22:58:25 UTC


2019-03-04 22:58:28 UTC


2019-03-04 22:58:29 UTC

it wasnt bright outside

2019-03-04 22:58:42 UTC


2019-03-04 22:58:44 UTC

>>assuming pupils dilate solely on drug use

2019-03-04 22:58:47 UTC

I ain't tryna edit shit

2019-03-04 22:58:50 UTC

is that africa in her eyes?

2019-03-04 22:58:55 UTC

i smell black

2019-03-04 22:58:56 UTC

Yes I take drugs and my pupils are huge

2019-03-04 22:59:03 UTC

When I didnt take drugs my pupils normal

2019-03-04 22:59:35 UTC

lithuanian air and water should be illegal. prove me wrong.

2019-03-04 23:00:07 UTC

2019-03-04 23:00:22 UTC

@Cukie is a stalker and he knows it

2019-03-04 23:00:53 UTC

@Cukie is a stalker and he knows it