Message from @ⅩⅣ - ⅬⅩⅩⅩⅧ

Discord ID: 552402858599776267

2019-03-05 08:08:38 UTC

what it do

2019-03-05 08:08:52 UTC

i think WE ALL need a sugar daddy

2019-03-05 08:09:09 UTC

you are right

2019-03-05 08:09:15 UTC

i need a sugar daddy

2019-03-05 08:09:50 UTC

so when is Ice's website launching?

2019-03-05 08:09:53 UTC


2019-03-05 08:09:55 UTC


2019-03-05 08:10:00 UTC

are you a zoomer ctn? <:WaitWhat:495100102696894484>

2019-03-05 08:10:23 UTC

yeah I don't watch Ice but just curious

2019-03-05 08:10:40 UTC

get a homeless man put him on insurance then dump him like in the river and tell it's an accident it's ez couple million dollars

2019-03-05 08:10:50 UTC


2019-03-05 08:10:55 UTC

i heard it works

2019-03-05 08:11:13 UTC

How about don't live with every luxury you want <:pepeSmug:495144893727899649> Get a realistic job in a place that you can realistically afford <:pepeRetard:495092608104792064>

2019-03-05 08:11:16 UTC

there's a big question mark on Scuffed since the CTO of got doxxxed and took down their entire platform

2019-03-05 08:11:26 UTC

with any luck it's permafucked

2019-03-05 08:11:31 UTC


2019-03-05 08:11:32 UTC


2019-03-05 08:11:39 UTC


2019-03-05 08:11:39 UTC

i am mind blowned

2019-03-05 08:11:41 UTC


2019-03-05 08:11:44 UTC


2019-03-05 08:11:45 UTC is down

2019-03-05 08:11:54 UTC

does ice knows this shit

2019-03-05 08:12:00 UTC

I'm sure he knows

2019-03-05 08:12:03 UTC

how ice reacts

2019-03-05 08:12:14 UTC

Any chance we can preemptively ban Dim Rack?

2019-03-05 08:12:29 UTC

if he knows then SSJ is panic mode or sum shit

2019-03-05 08:12:31 UTC

if isn't coming back up, and I don't know why they'd wipe everything if they planned on coming back up, I don't see why the scuffed investment would continue

2019-03-05 08:12:40 UTC

unless they have a 12 month contract signed which actually they probably do idk

2019-03-05 08:12:46 UTC

i heard is like project

2019-03-05 08:12:49 UTC

or sum shit

2019-03-05 08:12:57 UTC

so they did not lose anything

2019-03-05 08:12:59 UTC

and scuffed is just a project of

2019-03-05 08:13:06 UTC

yeah and

2019-03-05 08:13:09 UTC


2019-03-05 08:13:25 UTC

but the owner are different

2019-03-05 08:13:25 UTC

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2019-03-05 08:13:28 UTC

it's ice and SSJ

2019-03-05 08:13:30 UTC

What did ice do to fuck up live me? any1 mind explaining

2019-03-05 08:13:34 UTC


2019-03-05 08:13:37 UTC

i think