Message from @Droidy

Discord ID: 552605597640425472

2019-03-05 21:36:13 UTC


2019-03-05 21:36:20 UTC

@TheWhiteWolf which Phin broke, why Voldy bounced

2019-03-05 21:36:24 UTC

i play on console mostly it doesn't count lol but i have it on pc @Alpaca

2019-03-05 21:36:26 UTC


2019-03-05 21:36:33 UTC


2019-03-05 21:36:33 UTC

you guys all say u got dirt on each other

2019-03-05 21:36:35 UTC


2019-03-05 21:36:38 UTC

but dont post shit

2019-03-05 21:36:40 UTC

<:PepeHands:502556153864257536> don't make fun of me

2019-03-05 21:36:40 UTC

<:pepeJew:495099901311582220> 🤓

2019-03-05 21:36:42 UTC

Phineas doesnt have shit

2019-03-05 21:36:46 UTC

yall didnt post anything

2019-03-05 21:36:49 UTC

<:LULW:522255935566118940> console pleb

2019-03-05 21:36:52 UTC

@TheWhiteWolf we know he doesnt LUL

2019-03-05 21:37:00 UTC

<:PPepoCry:493359762432327691> trash pc man

2019-03-05 21:37:00 UTC


2019-03-05 21:37:02 UTC

is ok

2019-03-05 21:37:08 UTC

sometimes we broke

2019-03-05 21:37:18 UTC

at least u can enjoy the game

2019-03-05 21:37:21 UTC


2019-03-05 21:37:24 UTC

@bobby turkalino wat did voldy want u guys to promise?

2019-03-05 21:37:30 UTC

top500 is easy to get on console lol

2019-03-05 21:37:36 UTC

<:pepeDream:495099884744212482> but i can enjoy the future

2019-03-05 21:37:41 UTC


2019-03-05 21:37:43 UTC

pc got ptr

2019-03-05 21:37:44 UTC


2019-03-05 21:37:48 UTC


2019-03-05 21:37:52 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:00 UTC

we get to play the new hero

2019-03-05 21:38:03 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:03 UTC

Phineas and his mod fags kept posting on voldes stream " pedo " when yall talked

2019-03-05 21:38:04 UTC

before the console pleb

2019-03-05 21:38:07 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:09 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:13 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:17 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:22 UTC

@TheWhiteWolf no saying nigger, no pedo or bullshit drama and no raising voices at each other

2019-03-05 21:38:23 UTC

u know what suck tho

2019-03-05 21:38:25 UTC


2019-03-05 21:38:28 UTC

@TheWhiteWolf civil shit