Message from @Kingy200

Discord ID: 681891434580017153

2020-02-25 15:32:37 UTC  

they should keep in mind that we are all interconnected and other peoples actions will still affect you, for example someone who is on drugs can get into a car accident and kill someone, or a worthless druggie can od and then take hospital space and attention away from legitimately innocent people

2020-02-25 15:32:58 UTC  

its people who want to rule through anarchy and chaos. they dont care about your quality of life as long as you buy iPhones along the way

2020-02-25 15:33:02 UTC  

if the government has no say in what you do with your bodies then it also should have no say in actually helping your bodies in a medical sense

2020-02-25 15:33:54 UTC  

I meet a lot of lolberts that say that their system would actually reduce drug use. But I fucking hate the people who say they don’t care, it’s not their problem. Those people are just shitty people, and are cowards. They’re worthless, pushing their politics of tolerance on us to create chaos then say they don’t care, they want to play on their games all day.

2020-02-25 15:34:11 UTC  

why are you asking so many questions? just hit the dopamine button and shut up. GOY

2020-02-25 15:34:39 UTC  

it would only not be our problem if hospitals had the right to refuse to treat people suffering from drug overdose @snake

2020-02-25 15:36:10 UTC  

It would, you’d be cleaning up the bodies off the street then. Which can hold disease or something else. Also that’s someone’s child or friend.

2020-02-25 15:36:38 UTC  

see if it was your brother or something who needed that help, itd be a lot more difficult to agree to such a policy. At the same time I understand the sentiment. I think they should be billed for the resources they use but in some states the gov cant punish you for debt so idk. its a tough situation.

The solution is certainly not to just make the shit available in stores

2020-02-25 15:38:32 UTC  

i hate the drain on our system, the drain on our resources. but i also hate the system that tells these people that their country is shit, the past is shit. you are shit. and by the way the plant you worked at moved to china you little shit, so get shitted again. if you dont like jobs going to foreigners you're racist. you shit. shit shit shit shit shit

_fart noises_

2020-02-25 15:42:33 UTC  

oh what are you unhappy? why is that you shit? how about you go get prescribed some Adderall or some anti-depressants that way you dont feel so shit, maybe some xanax's
is it just me or is it getting crazier out there 🤡 😉

2020-02-25 15:46:13 UTC  

oh man theres this girl who im a lab partner with rn and shes so cringe, eveery time she comes into class shes talking about how much adderall shes taken and how sleep deprived she is, she literally cant operate in school without it, its kind of sickening @UnScottable

2020-02-25 15:46:39 UTC  

maybe if she slept more, she'd need less adderall

2020-02-25 15:46:57 UTC  

give her a good dick and she'll have a good nights school

2020-02-25 15:47:14 UTC  

yes, disgusting,
the normalization of the use of amphetamines these days....

2020-02-25 15:47:43 UTC  

and people wonder why no one seems to be thinking critically anymore.

2020-02-25 15:48:13 UTC  

shes also dumb as a brick tbh

2020-02-25 15:48:31 UTC  

ive seen her test scores

2020-02-25 15:50:00 UTC  

a friend: "wow everyone has really low attention spans these days, ismt that crazy"
me: "Yes."
the friend: "well anyways i got these addy 10's want one?"

2020-02-25 15:50:46 UTC  


🔥 😀 🔥

everything is fine,

2020-02-25 15:52:28 UTC  

its ok unscottable, if they become an inferior race the non druggies will just rise above them

2020-02-25 15:53:06 UTC  

Thats not what happens

2020-02-25 15:53:10 UTC  

idk i dont have much room to talk tbh

2020-02-25 15:53:22 UTC  

since humans are social creatures we've also come to be accepting

2020-02-25 15:53:39 UTC  

because of that we will become the beautiful one's most likely

2020-02-25 15:54:03 UTC  

i just know where to draw the line

2020-02-25 15:55:25 UTC  

hmm well i think one of the biggest parts of any kind of war against drugs is to persecute those who use them, sometimes in untypical ways. Preventing public aid in healthcare of any kind would be one of the best ways to curtail the use of drugs indirectly. People who use drugs also tend to be on the poorer side and if they have to pay for their own mistakes with their own money theyll be a lot more scant in their use.

2020-02-25 15:56:36 UTC  

eeehhhh youd be surprised. but also yk i think social media is just as big of an issue and is used like the drugs as well. its really more that we keep putting a band-aid on the issue rather then actually examining the cause. in my opinion

2020-02-25 15:58:54 UTC  

also personally I think it depends on the substance, and whether you know that you can exercise some self-control. being self aware. I had a bad drinking habit for a bit and i realized how much i was damaging myself, and i was able to stop doing that to myself. just took some introspection

2020-02-25 16:00:05 UTC  

i dont think drugs should be legalized, and i do think people should have to pay for their mistakes. but I also sympathize with the atmosphere like i said earlier, that leads people to using these substances.

2020-02-25 16:01:15 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl

What problem? That the world is not perfect? I can agree that either of these socialist models address that problem but what they offer is exponentially worse.

2020-02-25 16:01:43 UTC  

mental defects and the like, cannot be simply solved @UnScottable

2020-02-25 16:02:39 UTC  

yea and for those cases a unique solution is needed, same for cases where for example, a person has genes that make them more likely to become addicted to alcohol. Its well known that these genes exist and certain ethnicities have them more often then others, and they are inherited.

2020-02-25 16:03:42 UTC  

@Jym you realize that just because they have seen problems with modern society it isnt just exclusively a problem with capitalism or how you personally nd defensively perceive capitalism yes? look to the modern day aristocracy who control all of the media all of the sources of information and vigorously repress those people who defy them, using their power of infkuence to hijack the supposedly democratic system in order to perpetuate their own power. That is a problem. There is a problem of corporations merging together and collaborating in monopolistic efforts. Corporations lobbying the government for laws which prevent rival companies from ever rising from the bottom, etc. etc.

2020-02-25 16:04:18 UTC  

Modern society isnt amazing and there are many problems in it, just because you personally dislike such ideologies does not mean that they do not have a point in their criticism of it

2020-02-25 16:06:37 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl

Again they recognize, as do I, that our world is imperfect. They offer "solutions" that are exponentially worse.

2020-02-25 16:07:18 UTC  

that isnt the world simply being imperfect, this is the case of a grave and growing problem, just because you dislike the ideologies themselves doesnt mean you should blind yourself to the return of feudalism lol

2020-02-25 16:15:42 UTC  

America is currently an occupied country in my opinion, Europe is as well. Occupied by an elite that is hostile to the inhabitants

2020-02-25 16:16:23 UTC  

considering the other countries of the world this phenomenon isnt unheard of but the vast level of delusion in western countries that this isnt the case, is what makes it unique <:thinking_clown:590855640268668928>

2020-02-25 16:39:18 UTC  

@UnScottable You should check out the Princeton Oligarchy Study and various similar studies which show that the views of elites in the American politics almost always takes precedence over the majority view of the people.

2020-02-25 16:39:58 UTC  

Alt Hype did a great video on this:

2020-02-25 16:43:19 UTC