Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl

Discord ID: 681884667573567501

2020-02-25 15:10:39 UTC  

(don't accuse me with cognitive dissonance)

2020-02-25 15:10:46 UTC  

do not even THINK of backstabbing me and seizing the power for yourself

2020-02-25 15:11:15 UTC  

No step in snek shit

2020-02-25 15:12:38 UTC  

I’m not gonna argue against the first and second point, a nationalist doesn’t promote the interests of every single nation m8....

To your last point, it doesn’t really defeat their rhetoric. At all, after all hitler doesn’t hate the USSR because of its government controlled means of production. He hated it because it was a threat too Germany.

2020-02-25 15:13:07 UTC  

Too argue that Hitler wasn’t a nationalist is prager U levels of dumbass

2020-02-25 15:13:51 UTC  

hitler should have just been more patient. the meth got to him

2020-02-25 15:14:07 UTC  

drugs r bad folks

2020-02-25 15:14:39 UTC  

likewise building up other nations isnt being nationalist in favour of them, it was globalist collectivism, the soviets established a regime to make all of their citizens more like ethnic russians, and given a century or two they certainly wouldve been indistinguishable

2020-02-25 15:15:32 UTC  

Yeah exactly. Was the USSR nationalistic because it promoted the interests of Poland?

2020-02-25 15:18:10 UTC  

it was self nationalistic and was working to subert foreign nations to its own culture

2020-02-25 15:18:59 UTC  

Ethnic nationalism with a capitalistic economy is the only way. Now see the ethnic nationalism of European countries would look a lot different then it does in say China for example. Because western countries value liberty more already, our identity is steeped in it.

2020-02-25 15:20:01 UTC  

im pretty sure that isnt true, the adoration of liberty is unique to america, and maybe france

2020-02-25 15:20:21 UTC  

the rest of europe is in varying stages of sucking eu or local governments pp

2020-02-25 15:21:22 UTC  

well itd still look a lot different in France then in China... perhaps not for exactly those reasons

2020-02-25 15:22:54 UTC  

I mean, I prefer Republics, like the American form of government. But eh honestly it wouldn’t really matter. The issue with the current system is that international finance has waaaaaay too much power. You’ll never have nation states as long as international corporations can write the policy.

2020-02-25 15:23:00 UTC  

just maintain the white majority and use policies such as lowering immigration and etc, to do that.
fuck free trade, that shiz is gay.
socialism is also prettttyy gay so.

2020-02-25 15:24:45 UTC  

I prefer capitalism within regions or nations. Of course trade is always needed but free trade is retarded

2020-02-25 15:24:50 UTC  

yeet the universities into space. we just gotta start over there

2020-02-25 15:25:26 UTC  

lol not really. but idk what we do about that.... some big overhauls for education are much needed

2020-02-25 15:25:37 UTC  

let me remind you unscottable that even france was one of the biggest nations for government control of the people back in the day

2020-02-25 15:26:13 UTC  

and either way no culture in europe save france has much of a history of liberty from government

2020-02-25 15:26:39 UTC  

The only reason I care about the economy is two reasons. 1. We need stuff to be made. 2. We need that stuff to be accessible to everyone, or at least the vast majority of the population.

2020-02-25 15:27:02 UTC  

i think having maximum levels of liberty would be better if we hadnt let in a buncha trash, to be honest.

2020-02-25 15:28:12 UTC  

The issue with liberty is that people use it. While that’s not bad in a free market sense, you buy the better product. It’s bad in a social and political sense. Like people voting democrat or shooting heroine or impregnating someone then running away. And yeah I don’t see the difference between voting dem and shooting heroine

2020-02-25 15:28:28 UTC  

lol its not that people use it generally, its that dumb people use it <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-02-25 15:29:08 UTC  

Yeah, actually I agree. Plus, it lacks discipline, you can’t be free if you’re hooked on drugs.

2020-02-25 15:29:15 UTC  

which then causes shit to impede upon my liberty so its like, whats even the point at this point. if antifa are beating me up or whatever lol <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-25 15:29:43 UTC  

I wouldn’t have a problem giving someone like boomer or coolitic freedom, but baba shouldn’t be on the streets lmfao

2020-02-25 15:30:46 UTC  

every body is all for things being lax until the meth head busts into your apartment. then its all like woah wait a minuet

2020-02-25 15:31:23 UTC  

and keep in mind. the SAME people that want meth to be legal, are the SAME people who want you to not have a weapon to defend yourself in that moment. coincidence? i think not

2020-02-25 15:31:34 UTC  

“Lmao, you actually care about the collective health of society? Cringe.”

2020-02-25 15:32:00 UTC  

This guy banned me for being a “neo nazi” afterwards rofl

2020-02-25 15:32:37 UTC  

they should keep in mind that we are all interconnected and other peoples actions will still affect you, for example someone who is on drugs can get into a car accident and kill someone, or a worthless druggie can od and then take hospital space and attention away from legitimately innocent people

2020-02-25 15:32:58 UTC  

its people who want to rule through anarchy and chaos. they dont care about your quality of life as long as you buy iPhones along the way

2020-02-25 15:33:02 UTC  

if the government has no say in what you do with your bodies then it also should have no say in actually helping your bodies in a medical sense

2020-02-25 15:33:54 UTC  

I meet a lot of lolberts that say that their system would actually reduce drug use. But I fucking hate the people who say they don’t care, it’s not their problem. Those people are just shitty people, and are cowards. They’re worthless, pushing their politics of tolerance on us to create chaos then say they don’t care, they want to play on their games all day.

2020-02-25 15:34:11 UTC  

why are you asking so many questions? just hit the dopamine button and shut up. GOY

2020-02-25 15:34:39 UTC  

it would only not be our problem if hospitals had the right to refuse to treat people suffering from drug overdose @snake

2020-02-25 15:36:10 UTC  

It would, you’d be cleaning up the bodies off the street then. Which can hold disease or something else. Also that’s someone’s child or friend.

2020-02-25 15:36:38 UTC  

see if it was your brother or something who needed that help, itd be a lot more difficult to agree to such a policy. At the same time I understand the sentiment. I think they should be billed for the resources they use but in some states the gov cant punish you for debt so idk. its a tough situation.

The solution is certainly not to just make the shit available in stores

2020-02-25 15:38:32 UTC  

i hate the drain on our system, the drain on our resources. but i also hate the system that tells these people that their country is shit, the past is shit. you are shit. and by the way the plant you worked at moved to china you little shit, so get shitted again. if you dont like jobs going to foreigners you're racist. you shit. shit shit shit shit shit

_fart noises_