Message from @Frillar

Discord ID: 552971954043355137

2019-03-06 21:48:13 UTC

trihardbang? <:OMEGALUL:524738112555974687>

2019-03-06 21:48:30 UTC

ight i’ll listen in a bit

2019-03-06 21:48:35 UTC

i’ll let u know what I think

2019-03-06 21:48:36 UTC

We found who was spamming the reddit with dumb shit

2019-03-06 21:48:38 UTC


2019-03-06 21:48:57 UTC


2019-03-06 21:49:10 UTC


2019-03-06 21:49:11 UTC

2019-03-06 21:49:18 UTC


2019-03-06 21:49:18 UTC


2019-03-06 21:49:26 UTC

I was jk about trihard how he used to make reddit alts and flood new with dumb shit on ip1

2019-03-06 21:49:37 UTC

Idk if that even him lol

2019-03-06 21:50:37 UTC

what the actual fuck is this refereeing

2019-03-06 21:50:39 UTC

what a fix

2019-03-06 21:50:40 UTC


2019-03-06 21:52:01 UTC

2019-03-06 21:52:16 UTC

why is this faggot at a champions league game

2019-03-06 21:52:41 UTC


2019-03-06 21:52:47 UTC


2019-03-06 21:53:00 UTC

is that neymar

2019-03-06 21:53:07 UTC

ye behind him

2019-03-06 21:53:13 UTC


2019-03-06 21:53:17 UTC

whos the guy in front?

2019-03-06 21:53:29 UTC

Ninja actually got clout off fortnite, crazy

2019-03-06 21:53:44 UTC

Hard 2 hate when that nigga sitting with neymar n shit to be real

2019-03-06 21:53:46 UTC

Ninja 5k andy

2019-03-06 21:53:49 UTC

He did it right tho

2019-03-06 21:54:05 UTC

neymar wearing his airpods so he doesn't need to listen to ninja trying to figure out the offside rule

2019-03-06 21:56:33 UTC

i think PSG are trying to get involved in e-sports

2019-03-06 21:56:41 UTC

i guess thats why ninja is there

2019-03-06 21:56:50 UTC

some kind of sponsorship deal

2019-03-06 21:57:10 UTC

Fucking imagine

2019-03-06 21:57:15 UTC

lol that dude has so many sponsors already

2019-03-06 21:58:50 UTC

Man I wish I could e date one of the IPCJ mods so sexy...

2019-03-06 22:01:04 UTC

Man playing apex with bulleck is pretty frustrating

2019-03-06 22:01:05 UTC

sep nigger fix dyno

2019-03-06 22:01:21 UTC


2019-03-06 22:01:21 UTC

sorry for the word

2019-03-06 22:01:45 UTC
2019-03-06 22:01:51 UTC

What's wrong