Message from @Ctn

Discord ID: 552994086005506088

2019-03-06 23:19:34 UTC

whats that

2019-03-06 23:19:37 UTC


2019-03-06 23:19:44 UTC


2019-03-06 23:19:50 UTC

we got a soyboy in the server

2019-03-06 23:19:51 UTC

estrogren prescription

2019-03-06 23:19:53 UTC

It pays for acc claims and shit

2019-03-06 23:19:59 UTC


2019-03-06 23:20:02 UTC

When people crash their car

2019-03-06 23:20:04 UTC

Gm lol @Freepz

2019-03-06 23:20:07 UTC

who drinks soup in generall

2019-03-06 23:20:10 UTC

Acc pays for it

2019-03-06 23:20:20 UTC

And every driver pays rego

2019-03-06 23:20:20 UTC


2019-03-06 23:20:20 UTC

banana soup

2019-03-06 23:20:23 UTC

To acc

2019-03-06 23:20:28 UTC

Make sense?

2019-03-06 23:20:41 UTC

It's like a shared system

2019-03-06 23:20:42 UTC

my dog

2019-03-06 23:20:49 UTC

its free healthcare chad\

2019-03-06 23:20:53 UTC

which we pay for

2019-03-06 23:21:04 UTC


2019-03-06 23:21:06 UTC

but then its not free

2019-03-06 23:21:08 UTC


2019-03-06 23:21:15 UTC

@SepTheDepp can nazis move peopl lol?

2019-03-06 23:21:21 UTC

unless u mean pay via taxes

2019-03-06 23:21:43 UTC


2019-03-06 23:21:48 UTC

I mean if you're in a crash would you rather pay thousands and thousands or have a shared system where taxpayers share the bill for $99 per year

2019-03-06 23:21:50 UTC

arabs like to drink soup on ramadan

2019-03-06 23:21:57 UTC
2019-03-06 23:22:07 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:09 UTC

thats nice

2019-03-06 23:22:21 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:23 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:27 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:27 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:28 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:28 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:31 UTC


2019-03-06 23:22:38 UTC

spechimen forsenE

2019-03-06 23:22:40 UTC

fucking Venezuelan

2019-03-06 23:22:42 UTC

Shut up Benz you loser