Message from @kingbobo
Discord ID: 277328822360080385
i need focus right now
^that's the coordinator
Here are some sources to support racial redpills for you guys to spread.......
Different races react differently to certain medical treatments.
Culture and behavior across populations is inextricably linked to their ethnic genes
Racially diverse communities suffer from depressed social cohesion and civic participation rates
Military surplus, green, dirt brown, natural colors
Not black coats
Remember our goal isn't to intimidate
Not too military to give off a RWDS vibe, but durable and good for the events discussed in the voice channel
Exactly, there's low-profile options available
I've suggested earlier, just tuck your shirt into some cargo pants, with whatever you are carrying clipped to your side
Disciplined posture will give people a good impression
any current or former military can show people how to stand at attention or at least parade rest
I'm pretty sure anyone with google access and 3 minutes time can do that
^larping like this at a protest accomplishes nothing
getting in close, making yourself look normal, and getting good up close video of them chimping out, that DOES
Ok, so that goes to what I was saying in the chat. I was thinking like slacks and a tucked in shirt to look professional as a contrast to the antifa in black shirts and masks
it's not my circus not my monkeys
but i would encourage my monkeys to keep it to business casual at most
we can start beating the shit out of antifa, after public opinion turns on them completely
It gives a good impression. Who would the normie side with; the guys in all black screaming irrationally or the guys calmly standing in business casual
that's what i'm working for
standing around to get screamed at means nothing at least DO something
video etc
pull beating victims out of the fray
GoPros would be encouraged