Message from @Scale_e

Discord ID: 682469480999551053

2020-02-27 05:41:35 UTC  

drinking coffee is more of a habit for some

2020-02-27 05:41:39 UTC  

They're both rather pointless.

2020-02-27 05:43:03 UTC  

ever since i tried the malt drink 0% beer doesnt bother me as much

2020-02-27 05:43:22 UTC  

i kinda miss globgogabgalab memes

2020-02-27 05:43:25 UTC  

that movie was so weird

2020-02-27 05:49:50 UTC  

I miss it so much

2020-02-27 05:49:58 UTC  

2017 was the fucking best

2020-02-27 05:53:27 UTC  

Kinda bummed out rn about the fact that kids in stardew valley dont grow past toddler

2020-02-27 05:56:11 UTC  

Coffee is a shit way to wake up

2020-02-27 05:56:31 UTC  

People who "gotta have their morning coffee" should just take caffeine pills

2020-02-27 05:59:24 UTC  

you dont get a warm drink then though

2020-02-27 05:59:45 UTC  

and the habit of it is more important than the actual caffine imo

2020-02-27 06:00:10 UTC  

you should get bent and shove them pills up yer arse

2020-02-27 06:00:46 UTC  

(is just more efficient way of administering)

2020-02-27 06:01:28 UTC  

or have a lucozade

2020-02-27 06:05:28 UTC  

just got large propane tanks

2020-02-27 06:05:32 UTC  


2020-02-27 06:06:02 UTC  

prepared for coronachan

2020-02-27 06:09:50 UTC  

Holy fuckin shit

2020-02-27 06:10:03 UTC  

The brass balls on this Obama guy

2020-02-27 06:10:13 UTC  

“Horrible misinformation”

2020-02-27 06:10:23 UTC  

They’re.... directly quoting you, my dude.

2020-02-27 06:10:38 UTC  


2020-02-27 06:10:53 UTC  

Holy fuck. This fkn guy.

2020-02-27 06:10:57 UTC  

My sides.

2020-02-27 06:15:16 UTC  

"at least its not the government doing it, its someone who *used* to be the president"

2020-02-27 06:25:15 UTC  

I think it's funny how only now does he lift a finger to help biden

2020-02-27 06:25:25 UTC  

after he's undoubtedly lost

2020-02-27 06:25:48 UTC  

no its when obama is talked about negitively

2020-02-27 06:26:03 UTC  

if it was only anti biden, obama wouldnt care

2020-02-27 06:26:26 UTC  

I think Obama should be evicted from the country and purged from history. His assets seized and his women sold to a drug lord.

2020-02-27 06:26:40 UTC  


2020-02-27 06:26:49 UTC  

I said women.

2020-02-27 06:26:53 UTC  

Daughters, too

2020-02-27 06:27:00 UTC  

punish the drug lord

2020-02-27 06:27:01 UTC  


2020-02-27 06:27:14 UTC  

Michelle ain't no woman maaan

2020-02-27 06:27:15 UTC  

They keep exotic animals.

2020-02-27 06:27:41 UTC  

Obama doesn't know what fair use is.