Message from @lancelout

Discord ID: 683162931470270522

2020-02-29 04:02:08 UTC

2020-02-29 04:02:53 UTC  

Canuck are you just the resident shit tier memelord?

2020-02-29 04:03:00 UTC  


2020-02-29 04:03:07 UTC  

it's about all I do

2020-02-29 04:03:12 UTC  

That's what I suspected

2020-02-29 04:03:31 UTC  

I'd probably agree with M14, I'd take the USSR over 50s America

2020-02-29 04:03:40 UTC  

congrations took you long enough you get the noprize

2020-02-29 04:03:47 UTC  

Because like communism fascists often have ideas all over map on what fascism should be .

Some just like militant societies which they think it is . Some actually know the root ideologies behind fascism etc

2020-02-29 04:03:50 UTC  

which you hate why again lol

2020-02-29 04:04:18 UTC  

I hate China cause their chinks and are distinctly anti capitalist

2020-02-29 04:04:33 UTC  

m14 has no problem with other races

2020-02-29 04:04:36 UTC  

Literal insect people

2020-02-29 04:04:37 UTC  

and is anti capitalist

2020-02-29 04:04:50 UTC  

he also doesnt seem to care if the white race gets wiped out by chinks

2020-02-29 04:05:08 UTC  

I don't like either but if I was completely in charge of the nation I'd probably be fascist over communist

2020-02-29 04:05:11 UTC  

china isnt anti capitalist

2020-02-29 04:05:16 UTC  

My backup plan is standard weeb one

If whit erace going extinct I'll hop ship and make a Japanese rice line

2020-02-29 04:05:24 UTC  

that being said if you interpret fascism as loyalty to the state and nationalism

2020-02-29 04:05:27 UTC  

@lancelout Not really, it's weird marxist capitalism

2020-02-29 04:05:28 UTC  

chinkland does have you beat

2020-02-29 04:05:35 UTC  

It really isnt

2020-02-29 04:05:44 UTC  

Master ace they have no private prpperty

2020-02-29 04:05:47 UTC  

China is communist, but knows that 100% communism cant work

2020-02-29 04:05:49 UTC  

they are capitalist but authoritarian

2020-02-29 04:05:55 UTC  

Well hopefully the coronavirus makes them drop below a billion

2020-02-29 04:05:56 UTC  

Again no they are not

2020-02-29 04:05:58 UTC  

@lancelout if the whites go extinct then the japs would be gone too

2020-02-29 04:06:04 UTC  

the japs are the first line of defence against china

2020-02-29 04:06:07 UTC  

its not 100% one or the other

2020-02-29 04:06:07 UTC  


2020-02-29 04:06:10 UTC  

Having companies that are state run in a country where you cant even own property

2020-02-29 04:06:15 UTC  

Isnt in any way capitalist

2020-02-29 04:06:26 UTC  

It's missing a fundamental tenet of capitalism

2020-02-29 04:06:40 UTC  

fascism isnt particularly pro capitalist either tho

2020-02-29 04:06:42 UTC  

It's like saying china is capitalist because they have money

2020-02-29 04:06:45 UTC  

Of course it isnt

2020-02-29 04:07:01 UTC  

i mean if you look at how nazi germany and italy were run it was mostly government focus on major corporations

2020-02-29 04:07:12 UTC  

central planning doesnt work

2020-02-29 04:07:14 UTC  

there were som minor ones but the focus was on the major ones and keeping them in business

2020-02-29 04:07:17 UTC  

so they use capitalism instead

2020-02-29 04:07:24 UTC  

which is similar to how china is operating rn