Message from @ThatPreciseBloke

Discord ID: 659265419332550656

2019-12-24 22:58:48 UTC  

santa, god of consumerism

2019-12-24 22:58:56 UTC  

bless us for our moral deeds

2019-12-24 22:59:55 UTC  


2019-12-24 23:00:05 UTC  

Kneel before the Free market God, denounce German Santa-Claus.

2019-12-24 23:00:31 UTC  

the real santa was invented by coca-cola

2019-12-24 23:01:47 UTC  

Marx is reverse Santa. Gifting himself your private property.

2019-12-24 23:02:16 UTC  

never refer to marx in my presence ever again

2019-12-24 23:52:30 UTC  

Ah the two extremes when It comes to gift re distribution

Santa which is a representation of consequentialist/trickle up/feudalist austrian economics based on good behaviour/favouritism that displaces everyone that doesnt do moral deeds of behalf of modernism, rationalist scientism and materialism + the neoconservative, reductionist culture of excess and decadence among the middle class

And then you have robin hood/marx which purports to make up for all the short comings of austrian economics, but the W O K E culture of victimization and self hatred ™️ are all exhausted from working the post neofeudalist Austrian hamster wheel of debt and death ™️ and too busy on their phones at starbucks to give any sort of meaning to their cause so when they do eventually end up rebelling (when they can be bothered to anyways) they all become accustomed to a even more materalistic lifestyle and then get a shit tier work ethic and as a result which then means they disporportionately dont/cant make food and they all starve but not before the post feudalist Austrian plantation of debt and death ™️ does another neo feudalism with the remaining stragglers thus repeating the same process all over again

~~Tl:dr we live in a fallen world and theres no existential salvation outside of jesus to atone for the human condition and by extension fleshly inequities~~ but ye that bout sums it up

2019-12-24 23:57:05 UTC  

Also fun fact credit card debt goes through the ceiling in january so @💲 Derpy Ⓐ youse right about the "moral deeds" so to speak 😂

2019-12-25 00:53:49 UTC  

@ThatPreciseBloke in the original robin hood, he steals from the tax collector, not the rich

and good thing i only use cash

2019-12-25 00:55:10 UTC  

communists unironically think their ideology is like Santa

2019-12-25 00:55:25 UTC  

“we all just get free shit and it hurts no one”

2019-12-25 01:07:09 UTC  

@💲 Derpy Ⓐ this is why context matters

here I was thinking robin hoods a dirty commie when in reality hes one of us A N T I C O M S

2019-12-25 01:08:17 UTC  


2019-12-25 01:09:49 UTC  

I just finished Christmas diner with my family mormon christmas is a beautiful thing

2019-12-25 02:40:24 UTC  


2019-12-25 02:49:17 UTC  

@ʀeaper nice m8 whatd you guys have for dinner?

2019-12-25 03:32:37 UTC  

Roast beef

2019-12-25 03:32:42 UTC  
2019-12-25 05:24:16 UTC  

Chicken broccoli rice and some baby carrots

2019-12-25 05:25:24 UTC  

Was tasty, although couldnt eat all the rice thanks to having to eat lunch later than usual (work, snd yes on christmas eve ik but it was only 3 hours so meh)

2019-12-27 22:01:34 UTC

2019-12-27 22:12:09 UTC  

For all those athiests that say religion is a pervert smfh

2019-12-28 02:28:15 UTC  

Need a total number of people in each profession these numbers mean nothing by themselves.

2019-12-29 23:31:52 UTC

2020-01-01 05:36:01 UTC  

Happy new years bois

2020-01-01 17:04:32 UTC  

Happy new years

2020-01-03 19:35:11 UTC  
2020-01-05 10:08:13 UTC

2020-01-06 05:48:42 UTC  

repent, boomer

2020-01-12 15:27:36 UTC  
2020-01-12 16:54:33 UTC  

>>> But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.
Matthew 5:22 ESV

2020-01-12 16:54:47 UTC  

Fug. I think I've done that.

2020-01-17 04:31:47 UTC  

@halfthink dont worry im more than guilty myself

2020-01-17 07:30:00 UTC  

>>> Let me begin by discussing two possible meanings of the term conservative. The first meaning is to refer to someone as conservative who generally supports the status quo; that is, a person who wants to conserve whatever laws, rules, regulations, moral and behavioral codes happen to exist at any given point in time.

Because different laws, rules, and political institutions are in place at different times and/or different locations, what a conservative supports depends on and changes with place. and time. To be a conservative means nothing specific at all except to like the existing order, whatever that may be.

The first meaning can be discarded, then. The term conservative must have a different meaning. What it means, and possibly only can mean, is this: Conservative refers to someone who believes in the existence of a natural order, a natural state of affairs which corresponds to the nature of things: of nature and man. This natural order is and can be disturbed by accidents and anomalies: by earthquakes and hurricanes, diseases, pests, monsters and beasts, by two-headed horses or four-legged humans, cripples and idiots, and by war, conquest and tyranny. But it is not difficult to distinguish the normal from the anomaly, the essential from the accidental. A little bit of abstraction removes all the clutter and enables nearly everyone to "see" what is and what is not natural and in accordance with the nature of things. Moreover, the natural is at the same time the most enduring state of affairs. The natural order is ancient and forever the same (only anomalies and accidents undergo change), hence, it can be recognized by us everywhere and at all times.

2020-01-17 07:30:09 UTC  

>>> Conservative refers to someone who recognizes the old and natural through the "noise" of anomalies and accidents and who defends, supports, and helps to preserve it against the temporary and anomalous. Within the realm of the humanities, including the social sciences, a conservative recognizes families (fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren) and households based on private property and in cooperation with a community of other households as the most fundamental, natural, essential, ancient, and indispensable social units. Moreover, the family household also represents the model of the social order at large. Just as a hierarchical order exists in a family, so is there a hierarchical order within a community of families — of apprentices, servants, and masters, vassals, knights, lords, overlords, and even kings — tied together by an elaborate and intricate system of kinship relations; and of children, parents, priests, bishops, cardinals, patriarchs or popes, and finally the transcendent God. Of the two layers of authority, the earthly physical power of parents, lords, and kings is naturally subordinate and subject to control by the ultimate spiritual-intellectual authority of fathers, priests, bishops, and ultimately God.

Conservatives (or more specifically, Western Greco-Christian conservatives), if they stand for anything, stand for and want to preserve the family and the social hierarchies and layers of material as well as spiritual-intellectual authority based on and growing out of family bonds and kinship relations.

-Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Democracy: The God That Failed.

2020-01-20 09:35:22 UTC  

ask me why I believe in God...

2020-01-24 12:23:37 UTC  
2020-01-25 02:51:55 UTC  

Seen it, believe every ounce of it