Message from @Tardbux

Discord ID: 672068393636986892

2020-01-29 13:14:53 UTC  

Also you can choose the communist form of government

2020-01-29 13:15:09 UTC  

Yeah but they have no fucking idea what communism is

2020-01-29 13:15:20 UTC  

They think communism is when the military does stuff

2020-01-29 13:15:34 UTC  

Yeah that's just militarydoesstuffism

2020-01-29 13:15:51 UTC  

Cause it's the bonus that makes sense in a rts

2020-01-29 13:16:01 UTC  

About military supremacy

2020-01-29 13:16:06 UTC  

It should be more labour or productivity

2020-01-29 13:16:12 UTC  

And happiness

2020-01-29 13:16:22 UTC  

The economy is always planned in rts

2020-01-29 13:16:47 UTC  

Aoe 2 made me so efficient all resources are used

2020-01-29 13:17:11 UTC  

Age of empires isnt turn based though

2020-01-29 13:17:37 UTC  

Neither is rise of nations RTS = real time strategy

2020-01-29 13:17:51 UTC  

Civ isnt rts

2020-01-29 13:18:00 UTC  

I was just talking about strategy games in general

2020-01-29 13:18:06 UTC  


2020-01-29 13:18:14 UTC  

I could never figure out hoi4

2020-01-29 13:18:22 UTC  

Never played it

2020-01-29 13:18:29 UTC  

Civ 5 was the best out of strategy games

2020-01-29 13:19:07 UTC  

Option i liked in civ6 was that you could spawn your country where it really is on the map

2020-01-29 13:19:17 UTC  

Although i could probably get a mod for that

2020-01-29 13:19:51 UTC  

So nothing was added that couldn't be modded

2020-01-29 13:24:49 UTC  

Horse pikemen is a stable of ussr

2020-01-29 13:27:15 UTC  

Hose kikeman would be a great jewish porn star name

2020-01-29 13:32:36 UTC  

Best game is battletoadz

2020-01-29 13:33:21 UTC  


2020-01-29 13:33:39 UTC  

Battletoadz 2

2020-01-29 13:33:42 UTC  

Heard the hacker 4chan loves that Game

2020-01-29 13:34:49 UTC  

I am 4chan

2020-01-29 13:35:45 UTC  

Where is the proofs

2020-01-29 13:36:56 UTC  

I have a website

2020-01-29 13:37:57 UTC  

Trumps deal for Palestine makes my prolapsed prostate look pretty

2020-01-29 14:02:38 UTC  

Is pol still winning? With the Israel thing?

2020-01-29 14:02:46 UTC  

All they do is win

2020-01-29 14:03:07 UTC  

Mate they have no life’s

2020-01-29 14:03:16 UTC  

They don’t have anything better to do

2020-01-29 14:04:28 UTC  

Man it has to suck being pol

2020-01-29 14:04:38 UTC  

Can't win irl, can't win virtually

2020-01-29 14:05:21 UTC  

Getting cucked by Israel

2020-01-29 14:05:53 UTC  

Who can still look themselves in the mirror after getting cucked by Israel

2020-01-29 14:23:33 UTC  

So is pol pro Israel now?

2020-01-29 14:25:37 UTC  

I thought they always were