Message from @catass

Discord ID: 554070049061863441

2019-03-09 22:34:04 UTC


2019-03-09 22:34:11 UTC

<:cmonPepe:529791260475523112> <:NigGun:495099915467358239> <:cmonBrug:494982864916709386> <:NigGun:495099915467358239>

2019-03-09 22:34:17 UTC

Jews gave hitler a bad name <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>

2019-03-09 22:34:18 UTC

I like it

2019-03-09 22:34:22 UTC

ok too much autism, ill be back later <:Pepega:509114252041125889>

2019-03-09 22:34:28 UTC

Is that the leaked picture of @grandma

2019-03-09 22:34:39 UTC


2019-03-09 22:34:52 UTC


2019-03-09 22:34:53 UTC


2019-03-09 22:34:57 UTC


2019-03-09 22:35:10 UTC

Picking on my Autism

2019-03-09 22:35:15 UTC

<:520839180046172160:532698303981158401> <:520839180046172160:532698303981158401>

2019-03-09 22:35:30 UTC


2019-03-09 22:35:47 UTC

rapping is part of black "culture"

2019-03-09 22:36:02 UTC

Omg vc is. White af.

2019-03-09 22:36:04 UTC

Right now

2019-03-09 22:36:08 UTC


2019-03-09 22:36:10 UTC

Good <:KKKona:548276931515121695>

2019-03-09 22:36:18 UTC


2019-03-09 22:36:33 UTC

kiwi's got barsssss

2019-03-09 22:36:44 UTC

2019-03-09 22:36:56 UTC

paca paca pwaa

2019-03-09 22:37:00 UTC


2019-03-09 22:37:09 UTC


2019-03-09 22:37:11 UTC

2019-03-09 22:37:14 UTC


2019-03-09 22:37:17 UTC


2019-03-09 22:37:26 UTC

it’s angels twin sister

2019-03-09 22:37:30 UTC


2019-03-09 22:37:42 UTC

What bot

2019-03-09 22:37:47 UTC

music bot

2019-03-09 22:37:52 UTC


2019-03-09 22:38:07 UTC

I don't listen to lit. Only my a.i. bf rhythm

2019-03-09 22:38:23 UTC

2019-03-09 22:38:32 UTC


2019-03-09 22:38:45 UTC


2019-03-09 22:38:47 UTC

ggx outro song <:WeirdChamp:532278756342104074>

2019-03-09 22:39:29 UTC

hey tweaker, kill a couple niggers.

2019-03-09 22:39:29 UTC


2019-03-09 22:39:38 UTC
