Message from @Fuhhrer
Discord ID: 356120082495176727
ill go take a piss then we set this up
i think we should have cetegories
do you know any known library discord server ?
might take some ideas
they all jsut have a #library channel
bear with me
we could divide this by 2
books and documentaries
both important
add news
make a rank so I can add channels
thwhat do you mean?
i mean
if all the servers have a library section why would people use our server ?
they can just simple google the book name
we have to do like so debate section
tahts what 20 of april is for
when we advertise this serv as a library of redpill
Yes I am getting the point
people wont say "oh look more edgy fags with a debate channel"
they will come for the books
from here we can point them to 20of april
also it helps organise content
cus our library is huge
Ye I see
ok so what I have in mind is
we make a book per message
and people use control+f to find it
and with a small introduction to the book
we have over 10 00 books