Message from @LSDMAYO
Discord ID: 532817321937469440
i wonder if there is correlation between cute animal videos and rise of furries
That too
oh god
why have i never thought of that?
Cuz ur a re tared <a:Parrot:480778854596870164>
says the nitrofag
guys i need a smug sounding name for my new channel
havibg nitro is like wearing the juden patch
name it lv. 66 terrorist
It was a gift from the JIDF for my bood gehavior
you're shabbos goy after all
smug names?
Sir Superior
Ultima Thule
General etc
Based Black Man
Can someone please teach me how to be a proper fascist
Thanks love xx
read A Squire's Trial
The avatar stays
then i can't take you seriously
@tomoshmoto read
I started with AST, then 100 Questions, then Fascism Viewed From The Right
The translation I have of the latter is badly formatted and has a very rich vocabulary, tho
So, since I'm lazy and an idiot, I still haven't finished it
But I liked a lot of the stuff I read so far
you should read the next leap and path of gods
and MK after that
I just remembered that book that Silver super recommended to me
Or at least I think it was
why haven't i heard of it
Oh yeah, and I also sidetracked a bit to read a book on Integralism and do my first translation
I mean, I think it was Kyballion
If memory doesn't fail me, he said it was a good introduction to Hermeticism or something
Idk, goldfish memory
i think it's a bit too early for you to read it
Ain't there no time like the present