Message from @Hildegard

Discord ID: 389418572583141396

2017-09-09 17:57:03 UTC  

1. You can use discord's search options to find material you want to see.

2. Most of the books will be color coded:
📕 for PDF
📙 for e-book formats such as mobi and epub
📑 For documents and scientific papers, even if PDF
📚 for ZIP archives containing multiple books or one book in several formats.
Check pinned messages for bigger sets and archives.
🎞 For movies and video material
🎵 For music and audio material

3. If you are not a librarian but want to contribute with your own material (provided it is not already in the library), put it in the <#398152257297973258> channel

4. If you want to become a librarian, you must first gain our trust at our main discord server

5. Any book you cant find youself, put its name and the writer in the **requests** channel. If you however have something another person asked for, answer in the same channel with the link or file name and @mention the user you are the providing material to. Thank you.

2017-12-10 14:10:22 UTC  

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Follow the discord guidelines and terms. This server is an archiving service.

The following will result in a warning -> mute/kick -> ban:
* Spamming
* Disrespecting fellow members and the server staff
* Memes and Shitposting outside of dedicated channels
* Pushing satanist or any other degenerate propaganda. This server is an archive of information, not edgy LARPing material.

2018-09-24 17:37:00 UTC  
2018-10-13 19:21:38 UTC  

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