Message from @boBBypEEle
Discord ID: 508317717045051394
they want so badly to be able to project a reflection of the trump rally phenomenon, but it's so weak and obvious. everything he said fell flat, even in that gymnasium den of communists. Complete with fake hecklers.
yeah it was a shit show
Everything he said was a lie and projection
Bill Nelson never stopped creepy plastic face rapist smiling
plastic lizard
I tried to look away but I. just. couldn’t.
I’m having PTSD thanks for bringing it back up
hes one of them, if anyone is. never blinks
In other news 33mm early voting ballots have been returned and sent nationwide
My brother (super HRC voting liberal) just voted early. RIGHT DOWN THE RED LINE
so, are the polls just making stuff up now, or what? jiggering your sample can go a long way, but how can they keep all this sentiment from showing up in any polling without just making things up?
also, what got through to him?
Low taxes
lol, novel.
The polls are skewed for sure. It’s all public manipulation
DS stops at nothing
Q taught us this
At the end of the day it’s ALL about maintaining power and position
"hey, yunno bro, the republicans don't take as much from us... never heard that prior to 2016"
We are in the process of dismantling a government where elections have been manipulated and cadidates kept in check both before and during their tenures
what do you do in this communist state aparatus, btw?
I didn't know any o those toads were allowed to think
been at war with DCP and OSBI and my town zoning enforcement people for 5 years. They're all terrifying little eichmann
Fight in the (((Middle East))) goy
for anyone who has never read this, it's short and sweet and easy to circulate: I try to push it around whenever thomas paine comes up, because it's a similar work to common sense, but cuts more precisely to the eternal flaws common to all governments of the world.
I’m a cop @jman
ah. good.
I work with my dad. We are home builders.
aka unpeople
@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins what are those “sky kings” posts about?
they're encrypted jibberish longwave transmission. no one knows what they mean.
Where can I see these posts @Banky ?
Replying here to your post in q general @boBBypEEle. Yes, this is the natural state of government. Always growing power, building influence. Find the Alice in Wonderland / monarchy delusions emails that came out about HRC. They almost had this wrapped up - an unbreakable cabal to run our lives.