Message from @jman
Discord ID: 508308237385465856
I work for government
Im optimistic, don't get me wrong, but I didnt trust the lasts 2 elections
they print em
they just do
The leftist media debacle pissed of and woke many people the fuck up
I think that's been the plan all along, and am very hopeful
a statement tuesday translates into a real live mandate
The MSM has been our best friend for the looming election
They are looney
hoping the unaffiliated voters are in the "you get my first vote, republicans, but you don't own me" crowd, because that many new democrats is so hard for me to understand
Is that nationally?
I don’t trust polls but latest shows Stephanowsku up
That could be shown on local media to scare Dems into voting tho
what poll?
Saw in news12 two days ago at the dinner
Apparently there’s a third candidate running
He’s got a whopping 3%
only hurts half as bad if they have an "independent" to burn their vote over.
Fox News shows real clear Lamont 44% Steph 37%
which adds poorly
Just saw it
I hate that they still let people answer undecided 3 days out
thanks real clear politics... that's completely useless information
4% margin of error
So it’s not worth reporting
Never understood these polls
did everyone watch obama struggle for 45 minutes yesterday?
they want so badly to be able to project a reflection of the trump rally phenomenon, but it's so weak and obvious. everything he said fell flat, even in that gymnasium den of communists. Complete with fake hecklers.
yeah it was a shit show
Everything he said was a lie and projection
Bill Nelson never stopped creepy plastic face rapist smiling
plastic lizard
I tried to look away but I. just. couldn’t.
I’m having PTSD thanks for bringing it back up
hes one of them, if anyone is. never blinks