Message from @Ctn
Discord ID: 537867478123020299
I'm new <:pepeSmug:495144893727899649>
Hello! (:
Dinka dinka
Microsoft talk support how may I help you
venezuela is absolutely fucked
i understand why bulleck has so much pent up anger now
really? now Ice decides to go live? really?
fuck him
@Tommy Hagen you watch ice?
I got a notification
immediately turned it off
fuck him
the good times are over
i feel bad for molestor
he still hates ice but still watches
he's addicted
I still check the reddit from time to time, just to watch how his career gets destroyed more and more
yea me too
but im not as invested as i once was
yeah me neither
molester is retarded
i used to wake up and check the subreddit on my phone
needs to get ajob
I used to check the sub 30 times a day lol
it was so good
it's embarassing really
i was so into it
hi freepz