Message from @AdamLZ
Discord ID: 537853339887730689
Good one retard <:haHAA:495080082747031553>
gamers rise
rise up gamers
real tommy
I like thanos car
Or rage comics
@Monte Carlo no matter what people say you earned your stripes nigga and igy <:pepe420:494994193039753238>
Overlord, a true vamp fag <:GWvertiPeepoSalute:405951690034905089>
Post rage comics
ok this
now this
is quite epic
Overlord is a good cunt
Have you guys seen the video of the guy kicking the girls phone?
I'm new <:pepeSmug:495144893727899649>
Hello! (:
Dinka dinka
Microsoft talk support how may I help you
venezuela is absolutely fucked
i understand why bulleck has so much pent up anger now
really? now Ice decides to go live? really?
fuck him
@Tommy Hagen you watch ice?
I got a notification
immediately turned it off